Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


---Back to Kennedys POV---
it had been about 15 minutes and Kayli still wasn't here, every so often i would look around to see if she had arrived.
I looked around and could not believe my eyes. What is she doing.
"Oh crap they've seen me, too late to run now" i said to myself as they edged closer.
"i didn't know what to do, i was not expecting her to pull something like this, i mean what even makes her think this is okay" i was angry, ashamed, scared, embarrassed. So many emotions rushing through my body i burst into tears.
"Are you okay Kennedy" i heard i looked up and all eyes on me. Zach, Michael, Kayli and Cameron all looked at me while i'm crying my eyes out
"How could you do this to me" i shouted at Kayli
"it's for your own good, no more secrets"
"How could you bring him here, my own good, i was perfectly fine, everything was finally going good" i said through tears.
Sudden;y maui started crying and that finally brought notice to the stroller next to me, i guess since i was the only crying my eyes out no one noticed it which is hard to believe.
I picked her up and started rocking her
i heard gasps. i looked up and saw people starring at her and then back at Cameron. of course it had to be the twin who looked like him. if it was lakyn i could have gotten away with sleeping with someone here and had a kid and i was so ashamed that i didn't want them to know what i did with some random guy. But no it was Maui who is like Cameron's mini me.
"Whhhy does she look like me" Cameron whispered i guess already knowing the answer
i couldn't look at him or anyone else
"because she's yours" i whispered back
but no one heard me.
"What did you say" he said
"SHE'S YOURS AND SO IS HE" i shouted
That didn't just bring attention to them but also to others in the park all waiting for his reaction. i was crying again. I couldn't believe this was all happening. i wasn't expecting this on this trip back home.
no one said anything. it was just silence.
After what felt like hours but really was only maybe a minute of so. He finally spoke
"why didn't you tell me" he asked
"Because i didn't want to ruin your career."
"we should leave them alone for a minute" Kayli said to Michael and Zach
they walked away and left us on the bench
"ruin my career?"
"What would your fans think if they found out you knocked up a girl, they would hate me. they might of left you. i didn't want that to happen. If i didn't tell you, you could carry on like that night never happened"
"I would much rather have them hate me than not know that i'm a dad"
"But everything was going great for you and the guys, you worked so hard for it and i wasn't going to risk it getting taken away from you and Zach and Michael"
"When did you find out" he asked
"A Week before i left California"
"So that's why you left it wasn't because your parents said you couldn't stay"
"I didn't want to start showing, it would ruin everything"
"is that why you broke up with me, it was all part of your plan" he asked i could tell he was angry
"Yeah and why i have been so off and ignoring you all. i couldn't face it"
"You know normally the guy would be the douchebag and but in this scenario it isn't"
"You think me choosing to be a single parent was easy. Do you know how hard it is raising two newborn babies. Maui and Laykn are a hand full.. by the way that's their names" Myself getting angry now
"No but a normal person wouldn't run away from this, they would at least discuss it with the person and figure out the best solution"
i placed Maui back in the stroller and got up.
"You know what it wasn't my idea to tell you, if i had to my way you wouldn't know" i walked back to the parking lot where Kayli, Zach and Michael were
"Screw you" i said to Kayli as i walked passed her in tears
I got back in my car and drove back down the Bradenton. Right now not caring if i ever see Kayli or them again