Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


I'm surprised i could even drive. i was crying the whole way home. i didn't go to my apartment though, i went to my dads.
I walked in and Lindsay instantly knew something was wrong and when she turned to corner to face me she was very concerned.
"What's the matter Kennedy, i thought you were up in Tampa" she said as she took Lakyn from me.
"I was. But Kayli is the biggest bitch in the world" i said anger coming out of me again.
we sat down in the living room. My dad took Maui and Lakyn and rocked them.
"What did she do, so bad that makes you so emotional" she asked
"She arranged for me to meet her at the park by her house telling me that her parents had people over so we couldn't go there. So i waited for her and she finally came and brought Cameron with her. I had Maui and Lakyn. she basically forced me into the situation to tell Cameron the truth"
"I can't believe she would do something like that. That is so wrong in so many levels. It is your decision and she should have respected that. and not put you into such an awful situation"
"I know like i honestly hate her and never want to see her again"
"Buy anyways what did he say when he found out"
"He just kept questioning why i didn't tell him and couldn't understand that it was for his own good and we both got angry and i just left"
"But did he say anything about stepping up or anything" my dad asked
"I didn't give him a chance, i left. i was so angry i just left"
"Do you want him to step up now that he knows"
"I don't know i really don't know. Right now i couldn't care less if i ever see any of them ever again"
"Maybe we need to sit down with Kayli and ask her why she did it and her reasoning" Lindsay said
"No we are not in middle school. This isn't something like taking my favorite barbie doll. This is a huge issue and something that changes everything in life. i just want to forget about her"
"Okay okay. Now your dad and i were planning on going out for dinner, would you like to join us"
"Oh i'm sorry, i don't want to intrude. I didn't know where else to go and i didn't want to go back to mine"
"No no it's fine. We're just going to TGI Fridays nothing fancy"
"Okay we'll join you"
we headed out to the drive way
"Ked, you wanna unload your car" my dad asked
"sure i guess i'll stay the night" i said
my dad unloaded everything i had in there for going to Kayli's while i switched the car seats to my dads car. it was a tight squeeze me sitting in the middle of the two car seats but we were finally all in ready to go eat.
We had't ate out as a family in forever. i think it was even before the twins were born. It was nice though. Well as nice as it can be with two new born babies need your constant attention. Lindsay is literally like my mom now. Even though she acts more like a friend, she is getting married to my dad soon and considering my own mother disowned me shes the next best thing actually shes way better than my "mom".
Once back home my dad set up the travel crib in my room and then shortly after i headed up to put them down for the night or should i say for an hour until they are up again.
I was laying on my bed exhausted with my two beautiful babies sleeping. i decided to turn my phone on for the first time since leaving the park.
Once it loaded i had hundred of missed calls from Kayli and texts as well as a couple from Cameron, Zach and Michael and even Dillon and Brent. i deleted all the voicemails.
it was 11:00pm and i was feeding Maui. She is the one who gets up the most during the night. Lakyn atleast gives me time to doze off again which doesn't really matter because i have little miss no sleeper.
Just as i put her back down and curled up to sleep my phone started ringing i picked it up off the side and was about to push the reject button before i saw that it was Rachel
"Sup" i siad tiredly
"i didn't wake you did i" she asked concerned
"no no, i don't get sleep with newborns, just tired" i said
"oh okay, how are the anyways"
"they are great, growing everyday and just perfect"
"thats great i will have to come stay with you soon"
"yeah, you should, but maybe wait until they are sleeping longer through the night" i said laughing
"yeah, anyways i'm in Tampa" she said
i had forgotten she was going to the show
"Oh yeah, how was the show" i asked trying to sound excited
"It was good i saw Kayli while i was waiting in line, i asked if you would be coming but she said you're busy with the twins"
"yeah i wish i could have though but my priorities have changed"
"Yeah you didn't really miss much anyways they seemed kind of off. not like how they have been in videos from other shows. something seemed to be bothering them"
Oh just great of course after Kayli's "plan" this afternoon messed with their show. i knew it. i'm ruining it for their fans putting the weight of children on Camerons shoulders.
"oh that sucks maybe they were just tired"
"Yeah they have been on tour for a while. They seem to never stop"
Lakyn started crying.
"sorry Rach baby calling, i'll talk to you soon and make sure my mother is nice to you"
"i will, bye"
i went and dealt with Laykn then walked downstairs to talk to dad and Lindsay about what Rachel told me. This is exactly what i didn't want to happen. Messing with his career.