Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


this past week my cousin Rachel has been up staying with me. She's so fun to be with even though we are 4 years apart in age. like she's more like a sister than cousin.
"you got everything packed" i asked her.
"yeah, where do you want me to put these blankets" she asked
"just leave them on the couch"
"you sure i can't stay longer"
"i'm sure, i wish you could but i have friends staying for a while and this apartment isn't big enough for all of us. But i promise i'll make a trip down to you soon"
"Okay deal"
I went into the nursery to change Maui and Lakyn into day clothes. I was halfway through Changing Lakyn when the door bell rang
"Hey Rach can you get that please" I said
I didn't think anything of it until i started to here Rachel shout
"Bitch what are you doing here, you have no right coming here"
"I'm just dropping stuff of Jesus Christ"
"Well i'm sure whatever it is Kennedy doesn't want any of it. You two faced bitch"
I then realised it was Kayli, which means Cameron was near too. This is what i didn't want i wanted Rachel out before Cameron got here. I picked Lakyn and Maui up and went to the front door
"I'll take this from here Rachel, go get your things together"
she walked back into the living room
"So you told her huh"
"I tell her everything"
"of course you do, we'll i wasn't even going to come but then Cameron got the same flight as me, so i offered to drive him down"
As she said that Cameron came up behind her with his things
"Hey" i said
"Hey" he replied
"Alright well thanks Kayli and maybe one day we can go back to how things were. Oh and have fun during the summer Classes you're taking you start monday right"
"yeah Monday, see you around" she said and walked back to her car
"Alright well i guess you can go leave your stuff in my room" i said to Cameron
He walked passed me and in my head i was hoping that Rachel wouldn't notice him and i can get her out before he comes back into the living room.
"Oh My God" i heard Rachel say
Well there goes that idea
"what are you doing in my cousins house, do you know her, how what why KENNEDY"
"Yes Rachel"
"Why is Cameron Quiseng from Allstar Weekend in your house"
"Um because he's um how do i put this without you freaking out."
"Okay um well look at Maui then at Cameron" i said
she did that a couple times going back and forth between the two
"Yep"Cameron and I said at the same time
"And all this time i've been thinking it's some douchebag. Why didn't you tell me"
"Because i just... it's complicated"
"So is this why Auntie disowned you, because he's the band guy she told you not to do anything with and you joke that it would never happen and it has"
"Wait your mom disowned you because of this" Cameron asked
"Yeah, she like totally freaked out and called me all sorts of names and then told me i wasn't welcome at her house ever again" i replied
"I'm so sorry" he said
"It's fine i have Lindsay"
"So wait does that mean you like know all of adub then"
"Yes Rachel i spent a whole summer with them"
"Why did you keep this from me, like i just don't get it you tell me everything"
"i just didn't okay i was in a tough situation and just didn't want to explain anything from that summer to anyone"
"Alright well i love you and everything but i guess it's time for me to head home"
"Remember i'll come down and see you soon, maybe when Dad and Lindsay are back they can take the twins for a day and i can come down.. or i guess we can come down"
"Yes, just come down soon"
She grabbed her bags and went out to her car, since her 16th she passed her test and this was her first "road trip" up to mine.
"see ya wouldn't wanna be ya" i said
"See ya, i would wanna be ya" she said
i laughed as i watched her go over to her car. I shut the door and now my summer with Cameron here begins