Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


It's the first morning of Cameron being here. it's 6:30am and i'm feeding Maui. I keep wondering how this is all going to happen. Like it's been four months on my own, i'm wondering how hard it is going to be to adjust with someone else here to help me. I put Maui back down and took my chance to get a shower and ready for the day. Cameron was sleeping in my room after a huge fuss of him saying he would take the couch but i insisted as i normally sleep on the rocker in the nursery anyways. I gathered some clothes and went into the bathroom. after i showered, brushed my teeth and changed. I went back into my room and saw that Cameron was up.
"Morning" I said
"Morning" he replied in this sexy morning voice. Shut up Kennedy don't think like that.
"Sleep well" i asked
"Yeah good. You always up this early"
"Yep. I have a good routine going on here."
"So what is the morning of Kennedy like"
"Well i normally wake up around 6-6:30 depending if one of them wakes up. Once i've fed whoever wakes, i put them back down and take the chance to shower and get dressed for the day. Then i make breakfast. Change the twins, then start my day."
"Sounds like you've got it down"
"I've had nearly 5 months to perfect my mornings, talking of that i'm about to make waffles for breakfast, want some?"
"sure, i'll come help" he said getting out of bed.
We went into the kitchen and started making the waffles.
"So whats on the agenda for today" Cameron asked
"I have to go grocery shopping and clothes shopping for them"
"Sounds fun"
"Oh so fun, especially with twins, it's extra fun"
The waffles were made and we ate. He then went and changed while i changed Maui and Lakyn. By the time i had them ready in the stroller Cameron was changed and ready to go too.
"I normally walk to Target, it isn't far and it's less hassle than taking the car seats in and out." I said
"Sure lead the way"
We headed out and down the street. It's about a 15 minute walk to the complex where Target is. But it was a beautiful morning so it was a nice walk. The whole walk there Muai and Lakyn slept.
"Do you want to take them or push the cart" i asked once we reached Target.
"I don't mind whichever will be easiest for you"
"You push them and i'll take the cart" i said handing him the stroller. i grabbed a cart and we headed inside. We went over to the baby section first to get some clothes
"What size do you need for them"
"0-6 months"
I started throwing clothes into the cart from cute little dresses to buttom ups. They have official 100% outgrown the newborn clothes and they had their check up the other day and they are right on track with their growth with is perfect.
I looked over at Cameron and he was holding up a shirt that read "My daddy is a rockstar" which made me laugh and told him to put it in the cart.
Maui was being fussy, so i took her out of the stroller and handed her to Cameron, i could tell he was kind of scared to hold her, then i realised that would be his first time holding one of the twins
"It's fine, just support her head, believe me she will feel a connection to you" he took her from me and he relaxed a bit when he realised she stopped fussing and was fine"
"see i told you, they know who their parents are. You have a father child bond with them"
He smiled down at her and we carried on shopping. By the time we were at the check out half the cart was filled with clothes the other with groceries.
"you have such a cute family" The lady ringing us up said
"Thank you" i replied
"She's a splitting image of you sir"
"I get that a lot" Cameron said laughing
"What's their names" she said looking down at the stroller to Lakyn.
"Lakyn is in the stroller and she is Maui"
"What beautiful names"
she finished ringing us up and we left the store and headed back home. For the rest of the day we just hung out at my apartment and took walks. I also taught him how to change a diaper and how to make their formula.
Day one with Cameron turned out okay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry i was in Cabo on vacation so it took longer than usual for me to update.

If anyone has any ideas for this, please let me know i'm kind of running out and keep getting writers block.