Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It

Chapter Three

We've been in California for about three weeks now and you could say we've settled in nicely. Kayli has even convinced me to start running with her along the beach as the sun rises. Now, I'm not the type of person to: A, go running and B, to be up before the sun.

W're on our morning jog and I spotted someone stretching, a guy that I know oh so very well. Okay maybe not knew but I am a huge fan of him and I have the biggest crush on him.

"Kay, Kay look it's him, it's him!"

"No it's not Kennedy."

"Yes it is really, look!"

She looked over to where I was pointing and then she realised I was right. "Well go over to him."

"Oh hell no, I look gross and I'm sweating!"

"So does he, you're both running, it's not like he's in a tux."

"Well in my eyes he is."

"He doesn't even have his shirt on."

"Exactly, if I go over there and see his abs up close, I will just be on the ground dead."

Just then we heard someone talking:

"Hey, I saw you looking at me, thought I would come over and say hi." HE said.

He's came over to us! Oh Jesus, take the wheel!

"Hey, I'm Kayli, this is Kennedy."

"Nice to meet you girls, I'm Cameron."

"We know." I said. Really Kennedy?! The first thing you say and you sound like a real creep!

"So that's why you were starring. So you like Allstar Weekend, huh?"

"You could say that." I said.

"Ha, more like she's obsessed." Kayli said.

I glared at her, really first I make myself out like a creep and now Kayli is adding to it. Great.

"That's cool. Mind if I join you on your jog?"

Okay Jesus, you might as well just take my life now. So there it was me, Kayli and the guy I told my mother I wouldn't be held responsible for my actions if I ran into him..and I have literally just ran into him.

After about a thirty minute run, the sun was fully up and we were outside our house.

"So this is our house." Kayli said.

"Sweet, you live on the beach!"

"Well actually we are just staying here, this is my dad's girlfriend's house, we're from Florida." I explain.

"Awesome, well have a nice day." Cameron smiled.

"Wait, do you want to come inside for a drink and breakfast?" Kayli asked.

"Sure sounds good." Cameron nods.

So we all entered the house. I get the smoothie maker out.

"Strawberry smoothie sound good?" I asked him. Surprisingly, I've been able to talk to him like he's a normal human, not a God sent from Heaven.

"Yeah sounds great." He nods.

I made us smoothies while Kayli made some pancakes, healthy ones of course.

"So how long are you guys here for?"

"Untill September, so three months." I replied.

"Nice, you guys need tickets to my show tomorrow?" He asked.

"Nah we've already got some, but thanks." I replied.

We continued a conversation while we ate until he looked at the clock.

"I have to head out, the guys will probably be wondering where I am." He said getting up.

"Alright." We walk him to the door as we speak.

"So I'll see you guys tomorrow night then." He smiles.

"You sure will." I replied.

"You bet." Kayli agrees.

"It was nice meeting you both."

"You too. See ya."

We watched him walk down the driveway and then shut the door.

"He totally like you!" Kayli tells me.

"No he doesn't!" I protest.

"I saw the way he looked at you during the run."

"He's just a friendly person. I'm sure he looks at everyone like that."

"No! He had this look on him, like he wanted you, and during breakfast when you weren't looking at him he would stare at you."

"Shut up, I'm going for a shower." I said.

I run up the stairs. It finally hit me when I was getting undressed in the bathroom, I just went running and had breakfast with Cameron Quiseng! I've loved him since i was seventeen.