Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


The last few weeks have been busy. final fitting for my bridesmaid dress. Helping Lindsay with things for the wedding. We took a trip down to my cousins. Kayli came down for a couple days. took trips to the beach. we went and got Cameron a suit for the wedding. picked up Maui and Lakyns outfits.
Two days ago we packed up the car and took the nearly 7 hour drive down to key West. We stopped off in Miami for the night. Most of the family drove down but some who live in northern Florida opted to flying down.
"Wake up" i said hitting Cameron with a pillow. Instead of getting up he just wrapped his arm around me tighter.
"we have to get ready my dad is getting married today"
well if he wanted to stay in bed longer he couldn't because the twins were not having being in the hotel crib any longer. We got up sorted the twins out. Then i changed into sweats
"Okay i'm going to have to go join Lindsay to get ready, are you okay here"
"Yeah i'm good"
"Don't go back to sleep, i'll get Kayli to come down here an hour before it starts. don't put them in their nice clothes till the last minute, i don't want them to drool, puke or anything over them"
"I've got it Ked, chill out don't stress, everything is fine"
"I know it's just my dads day and i want it to be perfect"
He was now pushing me out the door"
"everything will be fine" he said before kissing me. I smile out of the kiss.
"Okay i'll see you down there"
i walked down to Lindsays room and knocked on the door. Her maid of honor, Miley, who is also her sister opened the door.
"Hey Kennedy" she said as she let me in. Her other 3 bridesmaid were all ready there.
"Hi mommy" i said to Lindsay as i hugged her.
"Not for another 3 hours" she said

I got my hair done in basic curls with a few pinned back, my make up was very natural, Just like all the other bridesmaids. Our dresses were strapless high low dresses very flowy in a beautiful Turquoise color. Which is also the theme color for the wedding. Once all us bridesmaids were dressed and ready we helped Lindsay into her dress. It was a beautiful mermaid style white dress with a turquoise ribbon round the waist. Her hair was up in a beautiful bun with a few curled strand framing her face.
"You look beautiful" Jade one of her friends said
"Yeah my dad is going to faint when he sees you" i said
"Now we don't want that, i want him to be able to say i do" she said which made us all laugh. As most bridal parties, we were running tight. I was hoping to go quickly down to my room to check on Cameron but i didn't have time. We made our way outside and down to the beach where the ceremony took place. One i was down there i looked around the guest and saw Cameron, Kayli and the twins sitting down, which made me calm down a little, knowing everything is going right.

Everyone was seated and my dad was standing a the front with the pastor. We started to make our way down the aisle. It was my turn to walk down as i walked down i took a quick look at Cameron and smiled, he smiled back and took lakyns little hand and waved to me which made me chuckle a little. Once all of us were standing it was then Lindsays turn. She walked down with her brother, her dad passed away a couple years ago. I watched my dad wipe a tear as he joined hands with lindsay.
everything was so beautiful and going so well until just before the vows a loud cry entered our ears. I was Cameron try to rock Maui but she kept crying. He had to make the decision of making the awkward move of getting up and taking her away from the ceremony with everyone starring. He left Lakyn sleeping with Kayli.
"Sorry that was my grandchild, i guess she couldn't take the emotion of the event" my dad said
as they started i again i watched Cameron walk back up into the hotel

"You may now kiss the bride"
Lindsay is now officially my step mother. They both looked so happy, there wasn't a cry eye in the party. i was in tears as i watched my dad walk back down the aisle with his new wife. We followed and as i got to where Kayli was i took Lakyn off her
"Thank you" i said to her.
My dad and Linsday were taking pictures, so i took the chance to go find Cameron. As i walked up to the hotel, Cameron was coming out.
"Is she okay" i asked
"Yeah, she was just hungry"
"okay good, she was starting to go for it"
"tell me about it i had to do the awkward walk"
"I know, but my dad said something funny so it was okay"
I was being shouted at to come get pictures down.
i took Camerons hand and we walked down to where everyone was. We took the pictures right on the shoreline. Cameron was standing to the side with the twins and kayli.
We took a picture of my dad, Lindsay and Me. Then my dad started waving for Cameron to join us. He wasn't really feeling it
"come on, you're part of this family too" my dad said.
I walked over to him, took Lakyn from Kayli. Grabbed his hand he wasn't holding Maui with and brought him over.

After the pictures were all done, we went into the hotel for the reception. The room was beautiful. I'm so glad their hard work putting this together has turned out so great.
Instead of sitting at the head table with the other bridesmaids, i made sure i sat on the same table as Cameron as Kayli was seated with my cousins. As originally was at the head table and Kayli knew my cousins so it was okay. But then Cameron came back into my life so we had to switch it up a bit.

We walked into the room from feeding the twins upstairs, we placed the stroller with them sleeping at the wall nearest to our table so we could keep an eye on them. We found our table, we were sitting with some of my dads work colleagues/friends. Some of them i had never seen before but luckily there was one that i did.
"Hey brad" i said as we walked up to the table
"Hey Kennedy, you sitting here" he asked
"Yeah, oh this is my boyfriend Cameron by the way"
They shook hands as i realized what i just said. Brad introduced us to the other on the table, we sat down and shortly after the food arrived. We ate and ate and ate. then came the music and dancing. My dad and Lindsay had their first dance. Then i danced with him. Everyone else joined in too. The twins were happily sleeping in their stroller. Cameron, Kayli and I took turns checking on them as well as Lindsay and my dad i saw check a couple times.

It wasn;t until about 10:30 that we decided to go upstairs. We said bye to Lindsay and Dad and told them to have a great honeymoon. Kayli stayed down partying.
Once we were in our room, we changed into our pajamas and layed on the bed leaving maui and Lakyn sleeping in the stroller.
"So boyfriend huh" Cameron said smiling at me
"It's easier to say that, than a whole long thing about not labelling and crap" i said
"well i like the sound of it"
"Me too" i said smiling leaning closer to him.
He pulled me close and started kissing me. It was our first proper passionate kiss/make out since "getting back together" we didn't take it any further though, we all know what happened the last time we got carried away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I took the bridesmaid dresses from this but Turquoise

Wedding dress: