Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


We woke up the next morning, we were up early enough it catch part of the sunrise. The twins were sleeping, so we went out onto the balcony. Cameron sat down and pulled me down onto his lap. We sat in silence for a while just watching the sunrise. It was beautiful, rising over the ocean. everything felt perfect int hat moment. I had Cameron, my twins, Kayli, Dad ,Lindsay. I had everyone in my life that i wanted there. But part of me had to ruin that and think about how theres only 2 weeks left of August. 2 weeks left of Cameron being here. I tear fell from my eye and i tried wiping it without him noticing.
"Whats wrong"
"nothing" i said wiping another tear
"i know theres something wrong, you can tell me"
"Okay, everything is just so perfect right now. In 2 weeks it's going to fall apart again"
"Everything is going to be fine, don't think about it."
"I can't help it. it's like Kayli and I are good again, so now you have to leave. It's like i can't have both of you"
"We are both here now. you're always going to have both of us. i just have to go away for a bit, but i will be back it's not going to be forever"
"I know and i know you have to leave i just wish i could be going with you"
"You can, if you want you can come to California"
"I can't, i can't just leave this is my home"
"Then we will work round it, everything will be fine, just enjoy your time today and when we're back in Bradenton, we'll take these 2 weeks day by day"
He kissed the top of my head and i snuggled into his chest. We stayed there for another 5 minutes before we went back inside to get ready for the day. We changed into swimwear as we would be spending the day at the beach. I changed Maui into a cute pink dress with a little hat and covered her in sunscreen, while Cameron changed Lakyn.

We went down to the hotel breakfast meeting with Kayli.
"Morning" i said as we arrived at the table she was sitting at
"fancy seeing you here" She said
"i don't know if they're big enough, but i got two highchairs"
"Thank you, yeah they can sit up now, so they can sit in them"
we placed the twins in the chairs and left them with Kayli before going over to the buffet.
We ate breakfast then headed down to the beach, Kayli went to my car to get the big blanket and umbrella for the twins to lay on. Cameron and I picked the best spot. not too close to the water but not too far away either. Luckily the beach was for only the hotel so it wasn't very packed.

Lakyn doesn't like the water but Maui loves it every time you dip her feet in she does a cute little giggle. Cameron had been down by the water for 10 minutes just dipping her feet in and out. While lakyn is a sun baby, just chilling sleeping on the blanket is his fun at the beach.
Kayli and I were making sandcastles. You could say we spent a lot of time at the beach growing up so we are pro sandcastle makers.
"So where have they gone on their honeymoon" Kayli asked
"I don't know, i don't even think Lindsay knew, because if she did she would have told me"
"Oh i bet they've gone somewhere super romantic"
"I hope so, but i also hope they are being smart. i know i use to say i always wanted a sibling, but they are too old now"
"Kennedy" Kayli said laughing
"It's the truth"
"That's so gross thinking about that" She said
"Thinking about what" Cameron said coming up behind us.
"Kennedy was talking about her dad and Lindsay having sex"
he had a grossed out look on his face
"I was just saying, i don't want a sibling"
"You are gross babe"
"Alright whatever. Lets just change the subject and go eat"
we packed up and went up to our rooms. i put on a basic white dress over my bathing suit, Cameron changed as he actually went into the water and we met Kayli back downstairs.

We took a drive to the mall, we decided to just grab something from the food court.
"What are you guys getting" Kayli said as we walked around the court
"I think i'm going to get pizza" Cameron said
"me too" i added
"alright well i'm gonna get some chinese"
"Okay well i'll get our pizzas, you get your's Ked get a table"Cameron said
"Okay break" i said laughing.
Kayli went off.
"Okay what kind do you want"
"Just plain cheese please" i said
he went to get in line and i found a table, i pulled the stroller up. I could see where cameron was and also Kayli so i could wave to them. I was looking around and i caught my eye on these groups of girls they looked about 14. i could just hear them arguing over if it is Cameron or not and if they should go up to him. It made me laugh a little because i remember being that young and seeing one of my favorite band members at a mall once and i was way too scared to go up to him. still regret it. They were still arguing when Kayli came to the table
"Hey can you watch them for a minute" i asked her
"Yeah sure"
i got up and walked over to the group of girls
"Hey guys, sorry to just come over, but i heard you guys. come with me"
They looked at me like what are you doing. they wouldn't follow me so i took ti upon myself. i went up to Cameron
"Hey these girls are too scared to come up to you, can you like wave at them or something" i said
he turned around and waved at them. and they squealed. I then waved them over and they came.
"Here get together" i said I took Camerons phone of out my pocket, because i used it early and forgot to give it back.
"Smile" i said i took the picture, they said thank you and left just in time for Cameron to pay for our food. We went back over to the table and started eating. I saw the girls again leavng the food court and i smiled at them. I took Camerons phone again and tweeted the picture of him and the girls with a caption saying "Met some awesome fans here in Key West. Enjoying a 2 day vacation down here" I guess the girls had his twitter link to there texts as the jumped up and down a couple seconds after the tweet was posted.

We spent the rest of the afternoon looking round ate dinner at TGI fridays before going back to the hotel and going to sleep early for the drive home tomorrow.