Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


We gave the hotel the room keys, We were all packed up and ready to go.
Kayli was travelling back up with us. She came down with my uncle, but they left yesterday.
We decided Cameron would drive and Kayli and i would switch between being cramped between the two Car seats.

I walked back to the car after giving the keys back
"alright we're ready to go" i said getting into the front passengers seat.
it was 8 in the morning so we were all still tired.
"So we driving straight to Miami or stopping somewhere"Cameron asked 10 minutes into the drive
"I guess just see how far we can get before one of them needs attention" i said
Kayli and the twins were passed out in the back.
"Smile" i said as i pulled my phone out and took a picture. Cameron and i were making weird faces, with Kayli and the twins sleeping in the background. It was a funny picture.
i reactivated my twitter the other day but have yet to post something. I stalked Kayli's page to see if anyone has said anything to her. i saw her reply to someone saying "Ked will appreciate this, i'll show her it i promise"
i guess she forgot to show me as it's a day old. I clicked on it and saw the girl had posted a twitlonger, i read it and thoughti was super sweet of her to say.
"Hey listen to this" i said to Cameron.
"What" he replied looking at me for a second before going back to the road
"One of the girls from the mall posted a sweet post about me/us. she said: Hey people need to stop hating on Kennedy and Cameron. If it wasn't for her, me and my friends wouldn't have met Cameron today. We saw him in the food court at the mall and we were too scared to go up to him. She came over to us and told us to go over to him. She was even the one who said to take a picture(the one Cameron tweeted). We've never met any of Allstar Weekend because they've never been to the keys, so we were so scared. But she made us feel comfortable and like we wouldn't be bothering him. They are super cute together as well. She saw them walking around and they just looked so happy together. So what if she has kids, Cameron didn't seem to care, He was given carrying one when we saw him. We don't know the reason behind them or what happened so we shouldn't judge. If Cameron loves her, then we should be happy for her. I admit, i said some not so nice stuff about her. But once i experienced how she is in real life, my whole view on her change. She's such a kind person. #KameronFTW"

"See once people see the real you, they will love you. They just want to make up what you're like in their heads, but they are completely wrong about you"
"I think it's time" i said
"Are you sure" knowing what i met
"no, maybe, i don't know"
"Lets just go with the plan then, i'll say something when it's brought up, unless you become 100% sure beforehand"
"Okay deal"
even though we aren't going to say Cameron's the dad. i still felt it's time to at least acknowledge we are together and let people know that what they are saying doesn't affect me anymore, because it doesn't.
I uploaded the picture with the simple caption of "Road trip home from the keys"
I also replied to the girl who posted the tweetlong "Hey it's my pleasure, just know the guys never mind people coming up to them, they love it. don't ever be scared. They love you guys"
I decided to just leave twitter at that, not look at any of the replies from the picture because i knew there would be.

We got all the way to Miami before stopping. Kayli fed the twins for us so we didn't have to stop. When we did stop Kayli and Cameron got food while went and changed the twins.
"Kennedy would you like to explain yourself" Kayli said once i got to the table they were at
"About what" i asked
"The picture you posted"
"Oh it's great right"
"Yeah of you two, but i'm in the back with my mouth wide open"
"That's the best part of the picture"
"you just wait Kennedy, just you wait"
"oooo i'm so scared"
As they had already ate by the time i came back i grabbed the burger from burger king Cameron got me and ate in the car. I took the back seat this time. We did 2 stops between Miami and Bradenton, but we finally got back to my apartment at 5pm after taking a detour up to Tampa to drop Kayli off.