Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


The next morning i got myself and the twins ready.
"So whats your plan for today" Lindsay asked as i went into the living room.
"Looking at places, Cameron got us an appointment with a real estate"
"Sounds fun, well i wont be back till late tonight"
"okay, i'll probably still be up"
"well i'll se you tonight then" she said as she gathered up her things and headed to the front door.

i picked up the diaper bag, went into the kitchen put new bottles in the bag as well as a few snacks and placed the bag at the front door.
"Okay i'm ready" i said to myself
Then i released i left the twins upstairs in their crib. i ran upstairs and into the room
"okay my pumpkins, lets go find a house"
i picked them both up, headed downstairs, picked up the bag and headed out to the car. Lindsay had rented me a nice chevy suv so i had a lot of space. I backed out of the driveway and headed down.
As i got nearer i had to phone Cameron to guide me to his house as i couldn't remember the way. one i pulled up at his house i got out and waited for him to come outside
"Morning handsome" i said as we exited his house
"morning beautiful" he said as he reached me and kissed me sweetly
"Okay it's best if you drive" i said
he went round to the drivers seat and i got into the passengers.
"So are you excited" he said
"Yeah, i'm excited"

we drove about 20 minutes to the first place. WE found a parking spot and Carried the twins over.
"Hey i'm Cameron, this is Kennedy"
"His i'm Chad, i will be showing you around today"
"Hi" i said
we headed inside, i was kind of disappoint that it was an apartment complex. the apartment was on the 10th floor.
We looked around and Chad told us all about it. IT was a new apartment complex so no one had lived in it previously.
"So what do you think of it" he said
Cameron looked at me
"It's nice, but a little small." I said
"I agree i think we would need a 3 or 4 bedroom" Cameron said
"Okay we'll the next place i'm going to show you might fit better" Chad said
we left the place and headed back to the car, Chad gave us the address and we headed there
"I don't know, i know i said apartment, but i'm starting to think maybe a house instead" i said as we drove
"Do you still want to rent or are you thinking buy"
"Buy, i mean we could rent. But if we buy a nice house with a nice yard, we can live there for years. they can grow up in it instead of moving all the time"
"i agree, lets see what this place is like and then we will inform him"
We arrived at another Apartment complex.
we met chad and he showed us the place, this one was alot bigger and was on the first floor which meant it had a little bit of yard. Even thought it was a 3 bedroom apartment and was very open. I had my heart set on a nice house.
"What do you think"
"I like it, but i think she has changed her mind, she wants to buy a house instead of rent" Cameron said
"YEah, after looking at the first one, i got thinking about the twins growing up and how i would want them to have a nice house with a yard and could like grow up there"
"I understand, so why don't we make another appointment and i can show you some houses"
"Okay yeah" I said
"So when are you next available?" Chad asked
"Well i'm only here for another 5 days" i said
"I have to go up to LA tomorrow for band meetings. So what about in 2 days"
"Yep, we can book you in, it might be a different person showing you around though"
"Thats fine" I said
"So if you give me some details we can find matches"
"3 or 4 bedroom. Nice size yard. Friendly neighbourhood, near a school daycare and stuff" i said
"Do you have a budget?"
i was about to tell him my budget but Cameron got there first
"No, just reasonable priced"
"Okay i will get that all sorted and someone will call you later to set up a time and place"
"Okay thank you"
We got back into the car i sat in the back and fed Maui and Lakyn while Cameron drove back to his.
"So you're going to be in LA" i said
"Yeah, Zach told me this morning"
"Well why don't you just come back with me tonight and meet the guys tomorrow"
"sounds good to me"

When we were back at his, Maui and Lakyn were both fast a sleep so we took them inside in the car seats. His dad was in the living room so we joined him.
"How was it"
"Okay, we decide on not an apartment but a house they can grow up in" Cameron said
"that sounds nice, make sure it's nice neighborhood"
"We will"
we got talking about other things but i was in my own little world.
"So i've been thinking" i said
"About" Cameron said
"the twins should stay with you when the week is over"
"What" Cameron said with surprise in his voice
"well i mean it's easy for me to travel, but travelling with twins is hard and i would have lindsay going back to florida but coming back here i will be on my own, it would be easier to have them stay here"
"well if you're sure then i would love that"
"i'm sure, you're their dad, i'm not just leaving them with some stranger"
"If thats the case, we're going to have to set things up for them here" his dad said
"we can put the crib from Lindsays up in my room, everything from Lindsays can come down here"

we carried on talking and Cameron and I made dinner for his family before we headed back up to Lindsays at about 9:30pm.
"Let's put them to bed" I said as we walked through the door.
We headed upstairs
"You take maui, i'll do Laky" i said
we bathed and changed them and put them down for the night. They have gotten better at sleeping depending on what time they are put down, They sometimes sleep all the way through to about 6/7 in the morning instead of up every few hours.
We changed into our pajamas and went back down to the living room. We cuddled up on the couch with a blanket and watched Aladdin.
"this is my favorite disney film" i said
"Mine too"
"So what did your dad really think when I came and said i'm moving here and that we're buy together"
"Honestly he was happy for us"
we kissed before turning our attention back to the film.
Life in California is going to be good.. i hope.