Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


Lakyn and I have been back in Bradenton for 3 days now. I got the apartment back on the market for someone else to rent, sorted out a moving truck that will take everything to San Diego and also booked our flight back.
I took Lakyn down to my dad as he has a day off so he can watch him while i pack, i tried packing with Lakyn but it was basically impossible.

I was standing in the living room thinking of where i should begin when the door bell rang. i Answered it and it was Kayli
"It's about time" i said as i let her in
"sorry i had to hand in a paper"
"it's okay now help me"
"where are we starting"
"i was thinking the kitchen, i can eat out or go to my dads, so we don't really need anything in there"
We grabbed a couple boxes and started putting plates and pans into into them
"so how have you been"
"i've been okay. I've talked with Cameron everyday, we've skyped so i've gotten to see Maui"
"That's good, so when's your flight booked for"
"in 4 days, the moving trucks come in 3 days and i'm going to spend the last night at my dads"

It took us a couple hours but we finished everything in the Kitchen and the little dinning area.
"Oh what time is it" Kayli said
"2:15" i replied
"Oh Zach texted me earlier saying they are going to be on that new talk show, Daisy Lane show at 2"
we sat down in the living room and flicked through the channels until we found it. they were already on.
"So you're in the process of a new album, does that mean a tour as well" the host Catharine said
"we're not sure about a tour just yet, maybe a few cities around the release date" Zach said
"how far into the album are you"
"We're really only on the writing stage, we took the summer off, we all did our own thing so now we are in the stage of getting back into the swing of things" Cameron said
"How was your summer, what did you get up to"
"Zach and i just chilled in San Diego" Michael said
"i spent my summer in Florida"
"that's nice what took you there"
"my girlfriend lives there"
Thats really the first time he's ever mention me after the interview where he mentioned he broke up.
The show went on and they began this segment where they let the audience ask questions. Questions about the band, the album.
then a girl stood up "So this is for Cameron, is it true you bought Kennedy a house, why would you do that"
"I'm didn't buy her a house, i'm bought myself a house, where she is going to live too"
She sat down and the girl next to her stood up, i could tell they were friends and not just sitting together
"Cameron, why are you with someone who cheated on you and now has kids"
he looked mad, and so he should be why are asking him this stuff
"You don't have to answer that man" Zach said
"sorry Kennedy" Cameron said before getting up.
Sorry for what. He walked off stage. Zach, Michael and Catharine had no clue what to do, like they were sitting there shocked that he had just walked off. But then the Camera paned and Cameron was walking back, with Maui. he had her face covered and sat back down.
"Okay Kennedy is going to hate me for bringing her out and if you're watching, i'm sorry." he took a pause
"This is MY daughter. Kennedy didn't cheat on me. We broke up, yes but she didn't cheat. She broke up with me because she found out she was pregnant and didn't want to ruin my career. I didn't know about her or her brother for 4 months. I found out when we were in Tampa during tour. after tour i went and stayed with them and we got back together and now we are in the process of her moving out here"
"Seriously guys, if you don't believe him, you just have to take on look at her and know she is Cameron's"
Cameron turned Maui around so they could see her face before getting up and taking her back stage.
"So can that stop all your questions, about Cameron, Kennedy and the twins" Zach said
I grabbed my phone and texted Cameron
"Good thing you didn't have Lakyn :P"
his phoned beeped just as he sat back down
"UhOh" Michael said
"What" Catharine replied
"That tone means one thing, Kennedy" Zach said
"Is someone going to be in trouble" Catharine said
He pulled his phone out and laughed a little
"No, she just said good thing i didn't have my son, he looks more like Kennedy"
You could tell the audience was stunned from what just happened and it was a good thing the show was nearly over.

Kayli and I went back to packing up the living room, my phone started ringing just as we were back int he swing of packing
"hello" i answered
"Hey daddy"
"No i didn't know he was going to do that, but he didn't what he had to do to stop the questions"
"Yes dad, i'm fine with it. I'll see you soon we're packing"
I hung up and joined Kayli again

We got the living room and half of the nursery finished before we stopped for the day
"Shall we stop for dinner after getting Laky" i said
"Sounds like a plan"
we went and got Lakyn from my dads and then when to a small a Italian place.
We were eating out pizza's when Kaylis phone rang.
"Hey Zach" she said
"no she's not angry with him why"
"Hey Kennedy, Zach says that you are ignoring their phone calls" Kayli said to me
i searched my bag for my phone and realized i left it at home.
"i don't have my phone on me" i said
"She left her phone at home, we're out at dinner"
We hugn up
"Cameron was getting worried that you were angry at him for bringing Maui out."
"remind me to call him when we're back at mine" i said
we ate and then went back to my apartment, i phoned Cameron, put Lakyn to bed,then Kayli and i shared my bed like we use too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's taking me a little longer to update than my previously 1 a day updates.
I've moved back to college now, so i'm more busy than i was in the summer.
I plan on getting this story finished as soon as possible, i'm thinking maybe 4/5 more chapter