Status: Finished!

Life as We Know It


I can't believe it's September already, so much has happened in the 3 months here in California. Kayli and i were packing up our final things. Cameron had offered to take us to the airport, he was waiting in the living room as we did final checks of every room.
"Alright i think i'm ready" i said as i wheeled my suitcases to the front door. Kayli shortly followed and we packed up Cameron's car and headed out. No one really talked during the ride to the airport. No one really knew what to say. There's Cameron who thinks this isn't goodbye forever, theres Kayli who knows i'm keeping the biggest secret from him and then me, knowing i will never see him again and that i'm carrying his child. I just wanted to be back in Florida away from everything here in California. So i didn't have to see his face and feel guilt every second.
We parked up and went into LAX. round the Delta check in desk.
"You have to tell him Kennedy" Kayli said to me while we waited, Cameron was standing just out of line and out of ear reach.
"i can't, Kayli, i just can't okay"
"you're going to regret it"
"no Kayli i'm not, i'm doing whats best for his career"
"and what about the best for the child, growing up without a father"
"Well it's not like i'm going to tell him and hes going to drop everything and move to Florida and be with us 24/7. knowing or not, he's not going to be in it's life with the career he has"
"no but you can work around his career and figure out the best sheduale for him to be"
"look Kay, i'm done talking about it okay, don't make this harder than it already is, i'm just about to get on a plane and leave the best thing that's ever happened to me"
we checked in and started to head to security. Cam had me wrapped in his arms and i could feel the tears coming. Once we had reached security which was the other side of the airport, the tears were full on. no one said anything for a few minutes, i was just buried in Cameron's chest. ruining his shirt with makeup.
"i don't want to leave" finally came out of my mouth
"i don't want you to either"
"these have been the best 3 months of my life"
"mine too, but i'll see you soon i promise"
"i hate to break this, but we really need to get to our flight" Kayli said
"alright" Cameron said
"call me when you land okay" he said
"i will i promise"
"remember this isn't goodbye, it's just see you later"
i couldn't handle it, i started bawling, knowing that he thinks this isn't the end but i know that it is. i had to leave, i had to get away before i told him everything.
"bye" i said pulling out of hi hug
he then said he goodbyes to Kayli while i was already going through.
Kayli had shortly joined me and i feared of looking behind me seeing his face standing there watching us go through to the gate. I looked a mess, make up running down my face, people must think i'm nuts or something. Like when we were coming out here they were boarding as we got to the gate.
we got to our seats and i took the window seat. once everything was fine and everyone was boarded we started to take off, i was looking out the window watching the City get smaller and smaller as we got higher in the sky. the tears started to fall again as i knew from this moment on, nothing with ever be the same.