Status: Comment?

To Hell and Back for You



I walked into Brian and Cass's house, only to see Cass leading a girl upstairs quickly, she walked back down and stood in front of me, "Jimmy, please. Stay away from Alaina, the last thing Brian and I need is you being a bad influence on her." I sighed, "Cassandra, do you really think I would ever do something to intentionally take Alaina down a bad path?" I felt a pang of guilt inside of me, I know Alaina. Hell, I've been watching over her ever since she was born and I can't do this anymore. Cass sighed, "I'm just need to be careful around her. She's been through hell and I don't think she needs to be hurt by you."

I rolled my eyes and walked down the hall away from Cass, I walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch next to Brian, "What the hell is Cass's problem?" He sighed and shook his head, "Jimmy, I don't want to question her when it comes to this, ok? She's getting those motherly instincts or whatever I guess." I let my head fall back on the couch and groaned, "You're kidding me, right? What the hell would I ever do to hurt Alaina? Have I ever done anything that would make her think that?" Ok, let's be honest, I know I'm not the best role-model or anything, but come on! Give a guy a chance!

After a few hours I got up and walked down the hall to the bathroom, when I was walking out I ran into a shorter girl with red hair, "Alaina, right?" The girl Alaina nodded slowly, "Yo-you're Jimmy.." I nodded and took her hand gently, "That's correct. So, how old are you?" She brushed her bangs out of her face, "Fifteen.." I smiled, "I know Cass is gonna kick my ass for this, but why don't we go outside for a little while?" She nodded, "Su-sure." I smiled and lead her out the back door, "Why do you stutter so much?" Alaina looked down at her feet and sighed, "I-it just wh-when I ge-get nervous..."

I nodded, "I understand. Living here is better than living in that hell of a foster care, right? You had to deal with all of those snobby stuck up bitches that probably had sticks shoved so far up their asses you could see them in the back of their throats." Her head shot up, "H-how di-did you kn-know that?" I mentall slapped myself, way to go Jimmy.., "It was uh...just a lucky guess?" I looked at my phone, "We've been out here long enough, you should go back inside and talk to the girls again..." Alaina nodded and quickly walked back inside, I let my head fall into my hands, "Son of a bitch!"

I got up and walked to the front of the house, I sent a text to Brian telling him some bull shit story about having to leave to do something else that was really important. I'll be honest, I wasn't staying because ever since I saw Alaina in person, I've had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, fuck. I walked in the front door and smiled when I saw my girlfriend, Melody asleep on the couch, I walked over and kissed her softly, "Sweet dreams my angel...." This was going to be harder than I ever thought it would be....
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Sorry for this getting cut in half -.- the computer I was using sucked, but look on the bright side, I got it fixed! Comments are loved! <3