Can I Be Your Memory?



The phrase “I promise…” was whispered into the girl’s ear. The boy was stroking her hair as she lied there on that hospital bed. A few scratches on her arms, but nothing could be worse than the huge gash on her forehead. To top it all off, the bump on her head makes it look like she has a small golf ball imbedded in her head. The boy wasn’t bad. He was conscious for once. The arm in the sling hides his tattoo on his left arm. So many thoughts running through the boy’s mind as he sat there. The one thought that is first in his mind is for the girl to wake up. Wishing, praying that she would just open her eyes and talk to him again. He’s grateful though she survived.

The rest of her family is pacing the waiting room not that far from her hospital room. They are replaying what the boy had told them. Driving back from the city, after a long day. And then it was a blur from there. Headlights, metal crunching, spinning out of control, then it went even more blurry from there. The family isn’t mad at him. They are mad at the drunk driver. The father is sitting on the chair, clutching his chest as he rests his head against the wall. The oldest sister staring at the TV, trying to forget what had just happened, even though fresh tears are falling down her face. Her other older sister is staring into outer space. She had just gotten off the phone with her sister’s best friend, telling her that her best friend is lying on a hospital bed. They are all waiting for the same thing the boy is waiting for too: for her to open her eyes.

We go back to the boy in the hospital room, holding her hand with the only hand that he technically has. He rests his chin on the edge of the bed. Watching, waiting for her to just open his eyes. He’s concentrating so hard that it seems like he’s trying to do telekinesis. Telling her to just open her eyes. To let everyone know that she is alright. That they could be happy again, but it would be somewhat a long process.

“Please… Don’t leave me,” he said, but barely.

He kept losing his voice from the tears that he had cried before. He then put his head down on the bed, resting his forehead against his arm. He wasn’t going to give up, but a little tiny voice in his head was telling him otherwise. It was like he was fighting with himself in his head. It was disturbing him too much that he didn’t notice the girl waking up. It was then he realize she was waking up when he felt her hand twitch. He shot up his head and stared at her face, hoping it was true she was waking up. She groaned a little and slowly opened her eyes. He had let go of her and ran out of the door.

“She waking up! Help someone! She’s waking up!” he yelled, not caring it was 3 in the morning.

He bolted back into the room and saw that she did wake up. She was staring at the ceiling at first.

“Hi, ” he said as he walked over to the side of the bed.

You could see the joy in his eyes, the smile also expressing his joy. Happiness that she was awake and alive. It was opposite though for the girl. As the boy stared into the girl’s eyes, he didn’t see anything. That’s when fear started to take over both of them.
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