Can I Be Your Memory?

Home Sweet Home?

Chapter 14

Erelin leaned back in her seat as she watched the world pass her by. She had already checked out of the hospital, and she was heading with her family and Brendon back to the place they called home. She was so nervous inside. She had already pictured how home would be like. What happened if it wasn’t what she had expected?

As the car sped up more and more, she closed her eyes as she let the wind blow onto her face from the open window. Her hair started to go with the wind and fly everywhere. She could feel the sun light on her closed eyelids. She wanted to relax. There was nothing that she should be stressing out about.

As for Brendon, he watched her. He was sitting right next to her as she tried to take everything in. This was going to be hard for the both of them, but he wasn’t going to give up like last time. He wasn’t going to screw up again. He wasn’t going to lose her.

Erelin took in a deep breath as a small smile started to form on her face. She felt a hand start to graze hers. She opened her eyes and looked down to see that Brendon had put his hand on top of hers. She looked over at him as he smiled. He squeezed her hand for support. She smiled back and squeezed back. She closed her eyes again as the pain medicine was starting to take over her to make her drowsy. She needed all the help that she can get for the rest of her life… well at least until she gets her memory back and all the pain goes away. She started to dozy off in the car ride…

“Erelin! You’re up next,” a boy about 14 years old said.

Erelin looked around her. She started to run across a big huge yard in front of a big brown house. She was up next to bat. She grabbed the bat from another girl who was about 12 years old. As the boy pitched the ball to her, she swung softly so they wouldn’t have to run across the street to grab it again. Another girl easily caught the ball as Erelin tried to run to the fake 1st base.

Right as she was about to pitch, a familiar car had drove into the drive way. She dropped the ball and ran to a younger version of her father, maybe a couple of years younger.

“What’s wrong?” She asked as she ran up to him

Erelin was confused inside though. It was like she was reliving this dream again. Like she knew what to say and what to do.

“We have to talk… I just got back from a meeting with my boss,” her father said with a worried look.

“Is it bad?”


Erelin then woke up with a jolt. She opened her eyes to see Brendon leaning over hear in an overprotective way.

“Hey, sorry but we’re home,” he said as he looked at her with concerned.

“Oh… it’s ok,” Erelin said.

She unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car. She stretched and looked around the neighborhood to see if anything struck her memory. Sadly, nothing came.

“Welcome home,” Brendon said with a smile.

She then looked up at the house… the same house that she had just dreamt about almost a minute ago.
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Sorry these chapters have been sorta fillers. Don't worry I'm getting there... don't rush me! hahaha just kidding.

you know the drill!

ps. as many of you know, my friend nonnie got banned from here. some of you i know were her readers so i wanted to let you know that she is not gone and done! =]
she made a new website/messageboard to post her stories along with others who can join and post their stories there as well... go check it out! i'm posting there too