Can I Be Your Memory?

For Diamonds Appear To Be

Chapter 15

So many emotions were going through Erelin’s whole being. As she walked through the front door, she felt like she sort of didn’t belong. She couldn’t get any emotion out of it. It was just another building to her. She took off her shoes and started to climb up the stairs to the upper level of her so called home. As she reached the top landing, she found herself looking at the dining and living rooms put together. She tried so hard to remember but nothing came to her. She then walked to her right through a doorway to the kitchen. It was pretty big to her. She looked around at the stove and the countertops. She then walked over to the refrigerator to see pictures of different people and herself having fun and smiling towards the camera.

“That’s a different me,” she thought as she looked at the pictures.

She then walked away from the fridge and left the kitchen. She then straight down a hallway and went straight to the first room on the right. For some reason, to her it felt like an instinct to go into that room. Little did she know, it was her child hood room. She found Brendon sitting on the bed, staring at the wall. The floor creaking beneath Erelin’s feet caused him to bring himself back to reality.

As Erelin looked around the room, she felt like something wasn’t right. She felt as if there was something missing to her, but yet she didn’t even know what. What was worse was that she had the strong feeling that a lot of things were missing in this room, and that this room was just another world to her.

She walked over to Brendon and sat down next to him.

“This is your room….” Brendon said.

“Oh…” was all that Erelin could get out.

She then started to relax. That weird feeling inside of her was now gone. She looked over at the walls, walls covered with pictures of people she didn’t know and never met, and people that she has met but doesn’t remember. Posters of bands and pictures of family members smiled back at her, striking a pose, trying to spark a light in her mind. She stared at all the pictures, trying to see if she could remember anyone in all of the pictures. She couldn’t though. She felt that they were just aliens to her. Even with pictures of herself in there, she felt like that was a whole other person.

She then stopped at pictures of people that she recognized just recently. Pictures of her with Lucas and Chrissy, her sisters and father. There were also several pictures of her and Brendon and some of them had pictures of boys she remember as well. Her attention then stopped on a picture frame on her dresser drawer. She got up and picked it up. In it was a picture of a younger version of herself and a woman. She smiled as her fingers traced the woman’s features.

“Mom…” she whispered softly.

”Mommy?” she said as she entered another bed room.
She found her mother on the floor near her closet. Her mother looked up and smiled as she pulled out a black jewelry box. She ran to her and sat down next to her as she opened up the box. Her eyes widen as she stared down at all the jewelry her mother had owned. She loved it when her mother would be changing her jewelry. It was a routine for her mother. She would change the jewelry she was wearing every two weeks or so.

She got down to work. She started to separate the rings into categories. She started off with the diamonds and rubies. Then started to separate the rest by color. She loved playing with her mother’s jewelry. She started to put them on her fingers, most of them falling off of her small fingers. Then she would put them back… except for one. The one piece of jewelry she loved the most that her mother said she would inherit: her mother’s engagement ring.

“Erelin?” Brendon said as he snapped his fingers in front of her face to get her attention.

Erelin brought herself back to the present from her premonition. She then looked over at Brendon, then something caught her eye. Brendon looked at Erelin confused as she walked past him to her shelf on the other side of her room. She opened up a small, red box that revealed more jewelry. Like instinct, she slid a tiny key from its hiding spot behind the mirror inside the box. She then unlocked a hidden drawer that can only be seen if it was facing backwards. She unlocked the drawer and slid it open.

She breathed a sigh of relief as she looked down in drawer.

“What’s wrong, Erelin?” Brendon asked.

Erelin then turned around holding the her most prized possession in her hand.

“Mom would have killed me if I lost this in the accident!” Erelin said as she held up her mother’s engagement ring.

Brendon’s eyes went wide as he stared at her… shocked at what he had just heard.

“She would haunted me forever if I ever lost this. I would never forgive myself if I did. Thank God I wasn’t wearing it the night of the accident,” Erelin said as she turned around and put it back in her hiding place.

Brendon couldn’t believe what he had just heard. He remembered Erelin telling about that ring all the time. The excitement started to bubble inside of him. It was Erelin’s first memory that she could actually remember.
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are you guys happy? She got her first memory! =]

What do you think Brendon will do now? Do you think he'll be able to tell her how they met or will they get interrupted again?

Suggestions and comments people... then more update will appear. =]