Can I Be Your Memory?

It's The Little Things That Count

Chapter 16

Brendon was overjoyed as Erelin had finally received her first memory. For Erelin, she felt relieved. She knew it was going to take some time, but she realized that somehow that with some guided help, that she would be able to remember more. Sadly, it was about a week already, and Erelin hadn’t been getting any progress. She started to get more frustrated because Brendon hadn’t told her how they met. She was waiting patiently, but this was just going too far seeing that he had basically promised to tell her everything. Brendon wanted badly to tell her everything down to how he felt. The thing is though, he didn’t want to shock her. He didn’t want to lose her. He was hoping that somehow, some kind of memory of him and her would come flashing back to her. Yet, she hasn’t been getting anywhere.

Her family was glad to help her. They wanted to help her remember or at least try and answer all the questions she asked. They showed her pictures and home videos of people from her past. She flipped through so many pictures of her and mother, noticing the many physical similarities they both had. She found so many pictures of her and her sisters goofing around and opening presents on many occasions. Then she found pictures of people she didn’t recognized but somehow recognized in her dreams. She hadn’t been telling any that so many people had been haunting her dreams. Yet unbeknownst to her, they were memories from her past. She was scared to tell her family. She couldn’t really explain it to them because they didn’t know what she was seeing. Some were good dreams, some where bad. They just kept coming and coming, and in the end, she would wake up in the middle of the night, crying.

The only thing that had been keeping her happy was the fact that Brendon was there comfort her at night. Brendon had offered to sleep on the floor to keep his distance from her seeing that he’s technically a stranger to her, and that if anything were to happen, he would right there, just like he promised. She didn’t mind if had slept on the bed with her, but her father would probably freak out on her if he did especially at her situation. Erelin was just glad he was there because she wouldn’t know how to handle what she calls nightmares. She was just happy in general that she had Brendon there for her in general because somehow, she knows that she would be already in an insane asylum.


Two weeks have past and still no progress for Erelin. She kept hearing more stories about her past, little information about herself and her family along with Brendon as well. Yet nothing would come to her except her dreams. She still suppressed them, hid them from her family’s and Brendon’s knowledge that she’s having them, and Brendon started to worry. Brendon knew she was suppressing everything. There would nights where Erelin would be thrashing and talking her in sleep that Brendon would have to climb on the bed and calm her down just so the both of them could get a good night’s rest. Erelin would up falling asleep in Brendon’s arms as he comforted her to go back to sleep. She wasn’t complaining. She loved being in his arms. She was feeling bad though for waking him up in the middle of the night.

No one was going to give up on Erelin. They wanted to help her remember. So the family party that Erelin, her family and Brendon were going to was going to help her. Even though her family was huge, and she wouldn’t be able to remember everyone’s name. Somehow they were hoping to spark a match in that brain of her’s.

They finally reached the family party, and within seconds, her extended family wanted to really see if it was true. They wanted to see if she did lose her memory. They were in shock when they heard the news, but that didn’t make them want to stop to help her. If a person ever wondered where her nature of helping people came from, what better answer would be her family.

Erelin started to get more and more dizzy and confused as family started to introduce themselves to her. She started to feel claustrophobic. She put on a fake smile and went outside to get some fresh air, with most of the following her. She finally reached the middle of the front yard when she heard a little girl yelling.

“Ateh Erin!!!”

Erelin turned around and found a little girl about two years old running towards her. Erelin smiled with all her might as the little girl finally reached her and grabbed her legs to hug her.

“Hi Charlotte,” Erelin said.

“Hi Ateh Erin!”

“How’s my Punk Rock Princess doing?”

“Fine… carry you me?” she asked.

“No, remember what I said Charlotte? It’s ‘carry me, please!” Erelin said as she picked her up quickly, spun her around and hugged her with all her might.

Brendon and the rest of her family stood there in awe and watched. Smiles started to creep up in their faces, and their hope started to rise more and more. The saying “it’s the little things that count” is the most perfect saying ever to describe this situation.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay to her second real memory coming to her.

So do you think Brendon will tell her in time? or will she figure out how they met?
Do you think I should write a chapter about a huge impact that she will remember?

Suggestions people and more updates will appear.

I just want to warn you guys that I might not be on quite often in the next month or so. School's starting up on the 25th of August and I'm moving into my apartment pretty soon. Also I might not have internet for two weeks or so. I'm just warning you now. So updates might be less frequent! =/ Sorry I'll try and make it to you guys I promise
