Can I Be Your Memory?

Two Years Later...

Chapter 21

Here were are, two years later. Like we said before, anything could change in a matter of minutes. Not even minutes, more like seconds. You would think that ideas and minds would click in Erelin and Brendon. Sadly, it didn’t.

Here we are, two years later. And, Erelin didn’t get her memory of Brendon back. Not the good part at least….not the special parts at least. They basically had to start over, learning new things about each other. Since the accident, Erelin wasn’t really the same again. She wasn’t the same person Brendon had fallen in love with. He was heartbroken. Erelin was sick and tired of dancing around when it came to feelings especially feelings of possibly loving each other. One minutes, Brendon would open up and maybe make a move, then give up last minute. Anyone could see the small stabs in their faces whenever they would say out loud to each other that they were just friends. Just friends. Though, there was one feeling that they both were scared of when it came to starting something together: rejection.

So here we are, two years later. As Brendon and Erelin are sitting across from each other at a simple sit-in restaurant, a boy name Blake is holding Erelin’s hand, sitting next to her. And next to Brendon, a girl named Erika was holding his hand sitting across from Erelin and her boyfriend. Fake smiles are practically plastered on the friends’ faces. As the fake happiness is shown, deep down, they all despised each other, except for two people: Brendon and Erelin Because deep down, they were in love with each other, but both have given up on the fact that they will never be the same. Fears of ruining their friendship was on the mind of Erelin. For Brendon, it was the fear of not having it be the same for them… not like how it was a couple of years ago.

So her we are, two years later. Two friends lying to each other’s faces, wishing, regretting, and loathing their friend’s significant other. In the end, no one was happy.

They all made small talk while they ate their food. Erelin asked questions about tour and when Brendon would be leaving again so she could send him goodies so he would actually eat more than just junk food. Meanwhile, Erika was shooting dirty looks at Erelin, keeping her anger inside at the fact that Erelin was not Brendon’s girlfriend. She shouldn’t be showering gifts to someone who is taken. Little did Erika knew, that Erelin had been doing that ever since she met Brendon. Erika didn’t know what had happened to Erelin and Brendon. He always kept that from her much to her dismay.

Blake was a different story. He treated Erelin as if she was a child, a naïve person who didn’t know anything. He tried to compete with Brendon and his money. Just because Brendon was in a famous band, touring around the world, many girls swooning for him didn’t stop Blake from trying to show off his company car and being the youngest in a big shot investment company. He wanted to prove to Erelin and Brendon that he could be better than Brendon ever could just because he went to school.

But to Erelin and Brendon, dating these people that we just wrong for them was their way of getting over each other. How can a couple get over something they didn’t have? Good question. With all the memories not returning in Erelin’s mind, and Brendon’s memories starting to fade, their friendship was at a standstill. Brendon was the only one who knew what exactly happened between them, but he couldn’t just tell everyone those memories. They weren’t just his, they were Erelin’s as well. He tried to relive those memories with Erelin to spark them back into her mind, and nothing happened. So Brendon had no other choice. As much as he wanted to cling onto those memories and still does, he had to wave that white flag.

So here we are two years later. Two best friends are just that… best friends and nothing more.
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Sorry for not updating in the longest time. School has been really stressing me out, and even at one point, I forgot I was writing a story! =/ I'm sorry. This chapter sucks I know. This is just a filler for how I wanted to end the story... which will be ending soon. But don't worry. I've got some ideas up my sleeves, and then after that I'll be taking a huge break from writing. Writer's block sucks sometimes.

Leave some comments and I'll update faster now that I'm on break! =]