Can I Be Your Memory?


Chapter 2
The girl looked up to see the same four people walking back into the room. She felt a little good about herself, but she was still confused. How did she know them? How come she couldn’t remember her name in the first place? They all, except the boy, crowded around her bed looking at her.

“Hi,” Erelin said.

“Hello,” the rest of the hesitantly said.

“I saw that my name is Erelin on this,” she said as she pointed at her hospital bracelet.

“Ummm I’m wondering how come I couldn’t remember it in the first place?” she asked.

“Well the thing is you got into a car accident, a really bad one. You survived obviously. The thing is, your memory has been lost because you hit your head pretty badly in the accident,” the older sister said.

Erelin felt heartbroken. She basically found out that she’s lost practically her whole life. She didn’t know who she was, her personality, even her loved ones. She looked down at her hands and started to do her nervous habit again. She felt her eyes well up and tears started to fall from her eyes. The boy stood from a far and watched her curl up in a little ball on the bed, crying from the news she was just told. With every ounce of strength, he held himself back. He wanted to rush over to her side, to hold her, to kiss away the tears, to tell her that he was there for her. He couldn’t though. She was already in shock as it is. He would have made things worse if a boy she can’t remember held her and kissed her pain away.

“Hey, don’t cry. That’s why we are here. We are here to help you remember who you are,” her other sister said as she walked closer to her and rubbed her back.

Erelin kept sniffling, wiping away the tears. She heaved a huge sigh and looked up at them.

“Would you? I would be so grateful if you do! I feel like I’ve lost everything,” she said.

“You haven’t lost anything! You have us! Now why don’t we introduce ourselves. I’m Christianne, your eldest sister,” she said with a smile.

Erelin smiled at her back and stared at her for a couple of seconds. She wanted to remember every single detail about her, the shape of her face, her somewhat chinky eyes, her brown skin. She didn’t want to forget this time.

“And I’m Celeste, your other older sister. I’m the middle child,” the other sister said.

Erelin did the same thing that she did with Christianne. She noticed the same physical features with Celeste as she did with Christianne. She wanted to remember all of them.

“And I am Rey, your father,” the older man said.

She again did the same thing she did with her sisters. Erelin felt bad that she had to do this but this was the only way to try and remember. She tried really hard, but couldn’t remember any of them.

“So you’re my family, my sisters and father. What about my mother?” Erelin asked.

She looked from each family member as they all looked between each other. Celeste then sighed and looked over at her.

“Umm. The thing is our mother passed away. She died of a stroke when you were 12,” she said.

“Oh…I‘m sorry. I…” Erelin said as she then felt a little heartbroken again.

“It’s ok. You need to stop apologizing. It’s not your fault you can’t remember,” Christianne said.

“I guess…. And how about you? Are you my brother?” Erelin asked the boy in the corner.

The boy was a little weirded out. Her sisters started to giggle as their father gave them a look to stop.

“Eww uh no. We’re just friends. Just friends,” the boy said with a half- hearted smile.

“Oh…and what’s your name?” She asked.

He walked closer to her bed. He felt far away from her as it is.

“I’m Brendon,” he said with a smile.

Erelin felt her heart melt a little. Brendon saw her cheeks red a little a bit.

“Maybe this is a start?” He thought.

“What happened to you arm?” she asked him, a little concerned he had his arm in a sling.

“Oh, I uh…”

“He was a skateboarding… remember?” Erelin’s dad said.

“Yea, I was skateboarding with my friends. We were bored. I lost my balance while going too fas and feel and landed on my wrist,” Brendon said, a little iffy about lying to her about his arm.

“Oh. I’m sorry about your wrist,” she said with a weak smile.

“It’s ok,” he said back.

“I really hope my memory comes back. I feel bad that I can’t even remember my own family,” Erelin said.

“No, it’s not your fault. Like we said before, we are here for you. Don’t worry,” her father said.

“Yes, we are. Now why don’t you get some rest. We’ll come back tomorrow. Would you like one of us to stay?” Christianne asked.

“No, all of you look tired. You deserve a warm bed,” Erelin said.

“Are you sure?” Brendon asked, eagerly.

He wanted to stay by her side. He wanted to be there if some kind of miracle happens that she didn’t lose her memory. That she was joking somehow.

“I’m sure,” she said.

“Ok. We’ll be back tomorrow. Just rest for now. We will talk later,” Celeste said as Erelin nodded with agreement.

“Bye,” they all said,

“Bye,” She said.

They all took one last look at her, especially Brendon. They both locked gazes for about 10 seconds, and then left.
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you know the drill... =]