Can I Be Your Memory?

When It Rains

Chapter 3

“You want us to drive you? Since your car is now gone,” Rey asked Brendon.

“Yes, please,” he said quietly.

“Of course.”

They all walked in silence as they left the hospital and made their way to the car. They all got in, a little cold from the night air. The ride home was even more silent, no one saying a word. Staring out the windows, their minds somewhere else. After what seemed like a long drive, they arrived home. The same routine they did at the hospital had returned when they were leaving the car and heading towards the house. They all got in and took off their shoes, heading upstairs to get some sleep after a very long night.

“Goodnight,” Erelin’s father said to Brendon as they entered their rooms.

Technically, it was Erelin’s childhood room. Brendon felt weird without her being there.

“Goodnight,” Brendon said back.

With that, they both closed their doors. Brendon sighed as he turned on the light and looked around the room, trying to figure out what to do next. He felt alone in her room. He walked over to his stuff. He pulled out a shirt and shorts. He wanted to change. He didn’t want to be in those clothes anymore. He just wanted to burn them. He whimpered in pain as he slowly took off his arm sling. He then stripped from his jeans and red button down shirt to a white shirt and blue shorts. He put them aside and turned off the light. He got into the made bed that Erelin had fix almost 24 hours ago. He sighed as he turned to the side that wasn’t hurt, but then again he felt hurt all over.

“What am I going to do?” He whispered quietly.

He lied their contemplating, on the verge of tears. He had never cried so much in his life. He had never lost someone like this before. Yea, she’s still there, physically, but Brendon knew that she wasn’t there mentally. He closed his eyes, letting the tears fall. This is the first time he has ever cried himself to sleep, wishing none of this happened. Wishing that she was right there next to him.

In the hospital, Erelin just laid there. Many thoughts were going through her mind. She felt even more alone than ever. Everything was missing in her life. She doesn’t remember anyone. She just felt bad that her family has to go through this. She sighed, trying to go back to sleep. Yet the many thoughts were swimming through her mind. Who was her first love? What was her first word? Who’s her best friend? She then wondered, was Brendon her best friend? She remembered he was saying that he was just a friend.

She sighed again and sat up. She looked to her left and saw a pad of paper and a pen on the side table. She reached over and grabbed it. She didn’t know what to do. She just stared at it for a bit.

“Hopefully something will come to me….” She thought.

Nothing ever did. She sighed and put it on the edge of the bed. She lied back down. Her eyes started to droop. Finally after what seemed like a million years, she fell asleep as the sun was coming up. She hoped her dreams would tell here something. Little did she know, it would.
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you know the drill! =]

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