Can I Be Your Memory?

Dreams Only Last For The Night

Chapter 4
She felt as if her heart was as heavy as can be. She didn’t understand what was going on, but she was running towards her house. She was chubby and couldn’t run as fast as her cousin can. She had to rush though. She could see the ambulance and the police cars parked outside her house. She was dreading the worse. She was hoping it wasn’t the one person that meant to her the most. She finally reached the front door of the house. Her cousin was peeking inside the opened door. She could hear her sister yelling to move, to get out. Her cousin turns around and says something, but doesn’t understand what she saying. She knows what she is saying, but just doesn’t comprehend. The moved aside to see the paramedic come out of the house with a stretcher. The tears started to fall down her face as she saw her mother being taken away. They both locked eye contact, and simultaneously, the tears started to pour down her face. She started to scream and chase after her, but was pulled away from her sister.

“NO!” She yelled as she sat up.

She tried to catch her breath as she felt the tears stream down her face.

“Erelin… Erelin are you ok?”

She looked over to her left and saw Brendon looked completely worried. She saw that Brendon was holding her hand. He had realized what he had done and pulled away.

“I … I… I don’t know,” she whispered.

“Hey you’re crying. What were you dreaming about?” He said as he wiped away a tear.

“Uhhh I don’t… It was weird. I was running towards this house, and they brought this woman out in a stretcher. All I could was just yell and cry,” Erelin slowly said.

Brendon just stood there in shock. He heard of a somewhat similar story just like that.

“I couldn’t save her. I wasn’t there,” She said as she started to cry again.

“Hey… It’s ok. It was dream.” He said as he slowly wrapped his arm around her.

She then cried into his chest as he slowly rubbed her back with the only hand that he had. After a minute, she then pushed him away.


“I don’t even know you. For all I know, you could be stalking me or something.”

“But I’m not. I was here when you got hurt last night. We’ve been friends for a long time,” he assured her.

She then just looked at him apologetically and sighed.

“Look, why don’t you just try and go back to sleep. Maybe it will help you,” he said with a smile.

“Ok,” she said as she lied back down.

Brendon pulled the blanket over her as she closed her eyes. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, but he didn’t care. He sat back down in the chair and watched her sleep, like he use to. She watched as the same breathing patterns she had started to slow down and then she was in a deep sleeping.

Meanwhile, as Erelin tried to fall asleep, she was wondering if he was watching her. She didn’t want to fall asleep, hoping that the dream wouldn’t occur again. She just felt a little weird if he was watching her sleep. Before she knew it, she was off to dream land again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy 21st Birthday Brendon Boyd Urie. =]
I'm not gonna lie, I sorta wanna get trashed with him right now! hahahaha =]

you know the drill..