Can I Be Your Memory?

Frantic Phonecalls

Chapter 5
Brendon watched as she fell asleep. He sat very still, listening to the same familiar breathing patterns. He got up from the chair, kissed her forehead and walked outside when he heard the slow breathing pattern. He then redialed the person who had called him.

“Brendon?! Where’s Erelin? Why isn’t she answering her phone? She was suppose to be at work a half an hour ago!” an angry boy’s voice said over the phone.

“Jace, breathe. We got into a car accident last night…”

Jace, didn’t hear him though seeing that the somewhat neurotic person that he is, he kept yelling over the phone. Brendon rolled his eyes and kept repeating the sentence over and over again until he finally screamed.


“What do you mean you guys got into a car accident last night?” he asked.

“You heard what I said. We got into a serious car accident last night…”

“How serious?”

“She doesn’t remember anyone. We got hit by a drunk driver, and we spun out of control. The passenger side of the car hit a pole, and Erelin was practically crushed. We almost lost her. She lost her memory so she doesn’t remember anyone,” Brendon said as he paced back and forth, speaking softly so Erelin wouldn’t be listening.

“Are… are you serious?” Jace said, his voice shaking from the fear and sadness.

“Yea… I am,” Brendon sighed.

“But… how are you taking this? I mean you…”

“Yea I know. I’m trying to take it as best as I can. I have to start over again with her. And her family? Oh God, they are not taking this well at all. Erelin… she was so confused yesterday. We didn’t know what to do,” Brendon said as he ran his fingers through his hair, pacing back and forth.

“Oh jeez. Ok uhmmm I don’t know what to do now. I have to tell Amanda though. She’s not gonna be happy about this. I’ll call Jeremy or Anya to come in. I’ll figure something out. Take it easy alright? Don’t stress,” Jace said over the phone.

“I’ll try.” Brendon said.

The two boys said their goodbyes to each other. Brendon put his phone in is pocket and sighed. It may have been just 12 hours since this all began, but to him, it seemed like years.
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Holy crap!! Guess what loves?! I got meet and greet with Panic At The Disco for my second date in chicago!!!

seriously I'm going to go weak when i met them! =]
i'm so happy....

but you know what i would love even more,
is comments to make me more happy=]