Can I Be Your Memory?

Dreams Again?

Dedicated to Nonnie because she's having a bad day.... yes i saw your message on your story Non! =]

Chapter 6
The same girl, now much older, was looking around the classroom. Many of the kids were staring at her. Some of those kids were her best friends at the beginning of high school. Now she was 16, a junior, and she finally found her place in her somewhat philistinism school of her’s. She went to a small Catholic school full of rich jocks and stuck up bitches. She knew what she was doing last night, and she didn’t care. She sat down next to one of her best friends, Chrissy, in Anatomy. Her mouth dropped when they got a glimpse of her. She didn’t believe her when she told her last night, but now that she sees it, she was in shock. Many of the kids were whispering and giving her dirty looks. She didn’t care. She said she wanted to be different, to stand out in that crowd of stuck up people. She talked with her other friends surrounding her, waiting for the bell to ring, which it did not even 5 minutes later. Her teacher walked in and looked around the class room. Her teacher smiled and walked down the aisle to her.

“That’s a very nice shade of red in your hair,” her teacher responded.

“Thank you Mrs. Haas, may I be excused to use the restroom?” the girl said.

“Of course,” her teacher said.

The girl got up, her classmates still glaring at her. All she could do was smirk. She giggled inside as she walked out of the class room and walked down a short distance to the girl’s bathroom. She walked in and stood right in front of the mirror. She smiled at herself, admiring the bright red high lights her sister had put in with her natural long black hair the night before. She knows the consequences of her dying her hair: people staring at her, being called many names like “rebel” or “punk”, and even worse, getting caught by her Dean because she’s suppose to have natural colors in her hair. Neon red is not a natural hair color. She didn’t care though. She felt the need to do this. She looked at her hair one more time and left the bathroom, heading back to her class.

Erelin had opened her eyes. This time she looked confused. She sighed as she replayed the dream in her head.

“Hey, you’re awake.”

Erelin looked over to her left to see Brendon in the chair again. She gave him a weak smile and sat up.

“How are you feeling? Better?” he asked.

“Sorta…A little hungry.”

“Well you woke up just in time. They just dropped off your food,” he said as he pointed to the tray that was on her right.

He got up from his chair and went to other side of the bed. He wheeled the tray of food to her and took off the lid. She looked at the food, and gave a somewhat disgust look.

“That really doesn’t look appetizing,” Erelin said.

“I had a feeling that you would say that. I already called your sister, and she’s going to bring you some food. But if you’re hungry, just try and eat that ok?” he said as he started to cut up the chicken for her.

“You know you don’t have to cut that up for me. I can do it myself,” Erelin said.

Brendon was in mid-cutting when he realized what he was doing. He put down the fork and knife and walked back over to the chair he was sitting in before

“I know… Sorry… I just…”

“It’s ok. Thank you. I really appreciate it,” Erelin said with a smile.

She then picked up her fork and took a smile piece of chicken and put in her mouth. Many thoughts were rushing through her head. The most important thought? How she shouldn’t be snapping at Brendon. Erelin didn’t know why but she had a strong feeling that he was a huge part of her past, and could help her figure out who she was. She even thinks he’s a part of her future as well, as if they together they had a huge impact on the world.

“One little step at a time, Erelin. You don’t want to rush anything. He probably doesn’t even think about you that way. He said before, he was your friend and he still is,” she thought as she slowly chewed her food.

Little did she know, Brendon was thinking the same thing about her. Funny how two people are replaying the same scenario again that they had experiences a long time ago.
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Alright here's the deal... this week and next is crunch week for me.... aka I got finals next week and have a lot of studying and reading to do so I won't be able to update both stories. After I'm done packing and done with finals and back home I will update again... Maybe if I have time to update during this week and next, I'll try and update but I wouldn't count on it. I might.

Anywho thanks for the comments and I would love some more.... btw I got center front row barricade for MCR and it was AMAZING! mikey fuckin' way is so hot! hahaha =]