Status: Being posted when my lazy butt feels like it.

Thunderstorms Could Never Stop Me

Chapter 3

I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wash over me. I relaxed. I sat down on the bottom of the tub and curled into a ball, stretching all my muscles out and bathing them in bliss. I sighed, then got up, and actually cleansed myself. By the time I got out I had been in there for an hour. So I threw on some yoga pants, a white tee and my northface. I threw my hair in a wet bun, smeared on chapstick, and put on moccasins.

"I'm ready Jess!"

"Come into the living room then!"

I walked into the living room just as she requested. She looked me up and down.

"Chinese it is then," she mumbled.

"What?" I was almost appalled by her attitude

"We always eat according to our outfit, yoga pants is Chinese."

"Does looking like crap really scream Chinese?"

"Yeah. I can't take you anywhere nice when you look like that..."

"What's tha-"

Beau walked in and clapped his hands together. "Okay, so where are we eating tonight?"

I grumbled. "Chinese."

He raised his eyebrow. "May I ask how we came to that decision?"

"Because she's wearing yoga pants," said Jesse matter-of-factually. "Yoga pants means Chinese."

He smirked a bit. "No, maybe something hotter like Thai. She isn't tame enough for Chinese."

Jess giggled. I however was furious.

"What're you saying Beau? That I'm hot headed?" I felt my anger rising.

"No," he bit his lip a little then stopped and leaned close. "I'm suggesting you have sex-appeal."

I could feel the heat rising to my face. All my anger suddenly vanished.

"Well, don't," I whispered.

Jesse smiled and looped her arm through Beau's. Looked at him with her signature puppy eyes, pouted a little and tugged on his black v-neck.

"Can we go now? I'm hungry," she pouted perfectly.

"Yeah, we can." he smiled at her.

I was shocked. He went from quiet and brooding, to flirty and outspoken. He's being to confident, and it's all because of Jesse. She's giving him too much attention, and a lot of that's sexual I'm sure.

I stomped out to the street and hailed a cab. Jesse and Beau followed hand-in-hand, smiling at one another. We all jumped in and Jesse told the driver one thing: "Get us to a Thai restaurant."