Status: Please comment and read my other Frerard/ waycest etc <3

Gerard Sucks at Guitar

One and Only

Gerard'S P.O.V

'' I suck at guitar'' I whined, glancing up from the acoustic in my hands to see Frank sitting across from me, pansy in his hand's as his fingers slid efforelessly over the fret board. I pouted out my lower lip, my sulking make Frank giggle.

''Yeah because being a brilliant singer and an amazing artist just isn't enough Gerard'' smirked Frank, giggling at my frustration as he set Pansy down, stretching out on the
couch. I admired the way his tight black tshirt streched over him as he lay there, hugging the contours of his chest.

''Like what you see Gerard?'' asked Frank, wiggling his eyebrows seductively. I scowled as I got up to go to the small kitchenet on the tourbus, needing some coffee to calm me down. I had my back turned to Frank so I jumped as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, Frank's head resting on my shoulder, I laughed knowing that he must be on the tip of his toes to reach up to me. I gasped softly feeling his cool breath on me, wishing it ment more.

''Aww c'mon Gee, I didn't mean to upset you'' murmured Frank, completelty innocent to the effect he had on me. I gulped, hoping that I wouldn't get a hard on in front of Frank, he would hate me if he knew I wanted us to be more than friends. Frank gave me a quick peck on the cheek before running off to his bunk, no doubt to get his stash of skittles that he hid underneath his pillow. I gently rubbed the spot where his lips had been, if only for a few seconds. I sighed, wishing I could take him in my arms.

''''Got them!'' squealed Frank, bouncing back onto the couch, waving the - I had been right!- bag of skittles like a madman. I leaned against the kitchen work surface, giggling at Frank's down right adorableness.

''Come join me Gee'' said Frank, patting the spot on the couch beside him, I hesitated for a second, wondering if I could be that close to him, but my heart won over my head as I sat down beside him, still tense and uneasy

'''Get comfy you loser'' Joked Frank, pulling me so my arms gave out and I crashed down onto his lap, making him giggle uncontrollably. I blushed furiously as I tried to sit myself up but Frank wouldn't let me as he switched on the tv with the remote and put his arm over me, holding me there. I closed my eyes, a lump caught in my throat at the intimacy of the moment. The way I could hear his heartbeat as I leaned against his chest. The way his arm lay over me protectivly. I wasn't even paying attention to the movie that had just come on. How could I when I couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful human being who had me in his arms.

I was vaguely aware of film credits rolling down the screen, how long had we been lying like this? Without really knowing it or controlling myself I'd melted myself into his arms, fitting myself against his body, his fingers idly playing with a piece of my hair. I sighed happily, content knowing that even if I couldn't have him then at least I could have him as a friend.

Gently Frank rolled me over till I was lying on my back on his lap, his arm around my waist to stop me rolling off of the couch, it was so warm and cozy as we just stared at each other, so close. Softly Frank traced a finger up my cheek, sweeping away a strand of my hair, his soft skin making me shiver.

''Gerard'' murmured Frank softly, sleepily. I just lay there, somehow feeling so small and submissive in his arms. Just so right. Frank linked his hand with mine, making them fit perfectly together as he brought it up to his lips, just feathersoft against my skin. I gasped, biting my lip. Wondering what he was doing. I soon found out as he moved our hands, leaning down to press those soft lips against mine. I breathed hard into the kiss, squeezing his hand as I stretched my tongue out, timidly sweeping it across his bottom lip, earning a low moan from Frank as we deepend the kiss. Taking and realizing a million things.

I forgot all about the guitar.
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Yeah it's pathetic I know :)

Comments appreciated