Status: Updates as soon as possible school is always priority

We Are The Kids From Yesterday

We don't care about the message or the rules they make

I fell asleep after we got into Missouri. The drive was extremely boring. Nothing but the black fields miles and miles on end. Party and I had also ran out of things to talk about as well. When I woke up it was dark and the fields were gone. We were in a desert.
"Party... where are we," I mumbled half a awake.
"New Mexico," He said," Once we get to the next motel in an hour we'll stop for the night, get up early tomorrow and we'll be in the Zones by 3 tomorrow," He yawned. I looked at the dashboard it was 1 in the morning. 
"Want me to drive. You've been driving all day," I asked.
"No once we get to motel I'll be fine," He smiled.
"Party you're gonna pass out at the wheel you need some rest. There is only one road for miles I'll find the motel," I said," Now stop the car."
"Your aggressive for a BLI city girl," He said. 
"I didn't care for the meds," I gave a unconfident smile.
"You were meant for this group," He said before he rested his head against the window.
I began to think about the killjoys. Their reasons and their life. Why. Party told me BLI was perfect, but what everyone needed was beauty. Make people smile and see everything as it should be. Not what they made it be. To be your self and not what they made you. That's what this is all really about.
 I looked on to the empty road. Just as Party said an hour down the road was what looked like a deserted motel except for a dim light from the office.
I nudged Party. His eyes quickly flicked open," We're here I think," I said. 
He stretched and looked out to the hotel.
"I missed this place so much," He sighed.
We both got out the car and trudged to the front door. At the desk a man in a pink leather jacket had his black booted feet on the desk. His neon purple jeans seemed to light up the room or maybe it was the white walls with 2 brightly dressed people in one room. 
" Hey Sun Star," Party said. 
"Hey Party," He smiled," You need a room."
"Yeah, got any with two beds," Party asked.
"No shit," He smiled playfully. 
"Gotta start thinking Party," He said to heels joking giving himself a face palm.
"Thanks man."
We went up to the room. The hotel smelt of cigarette smoke and whiskey maybe dirty hooker but who knows. Eh probably. Party unlocked are room. The blankets where undone on the bed and the carpet was stained with blood the trash was filled with empty cigarette cartons and a used condom. I can't expect much from an unused motel most of the time.
"You going to bed," He asked.
"Nah I got enough for awhile I'll go to bed in a moment," I said.
"Okay try to get some tomorrow we're gonna be home tomorrow, lots of excitement and planning," He said.
"Oh Bee gave me this to give to you," He said. He took a folded up letter out of his pocket and handed it to me.
"Oh thanks," He got into his bed took off his shoes and jacket and covered himself.
"No problem well goodnight see you in the morning," He said turning off the light.
I got up and went to the bathroom so I wouldn't disturb Party in his sleep while I read the letter.
I laid against the wall and unfolded the letter. His scribbled handwriting brought back so many memories. The letters he sent to me before the downfall of the world.
August 21, 2010
Dear Harley,
This is going to be my last letter. I know you'll probably never read it, at least soon that is. I just wanted to put this out on paper and talk to you in my own little way even though I know the terrible truth. The world is ending Harley. You know this we all know this. The world is dying. BLI is turning us into lifeless robots with no emotions. We don't smile, we don't cry, we don't laugh, we don't love anymore. We need to stop this. I can't let this beautiful world turn to perfect plastic. I hope you understand why I am leaving you. Scared, confused and frustrated. I love you and I miss you. Oh so very much. I hope you understand.
Sincerly in love you mi amor,

The tears dripped out on to the old artist paper from his old scetch book. The ink from his special pens began to mix with the tears and bleed on the paper. I love you too Jake. I am doing this for you and only you and nothing is going to stop me. Static Asylum...
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Hehehehehehehehe cliff hanger! So you like please comment and subscribe and Killjoys will role the world! Hehe ROAR!