
Prolong and Chapter 1

“I have you now,” he rasped as his adrenaline swam through his veins. “I should’ve killed you years ago, but I have a better prize now.”
He adjusted his aim. Perfect spot on her. It’ll go through her perfect green back and kill her instantly, he thought. His finger slowly pressed on the trigger as he listened to her last words.
“… I hope you will consider becoming allies with Isron. So that we can help you and in turn you help us…,” she spoke into the microphone to the entranced crowd.
The shot rang through the air around. Everyone seconds later were ducking and glancing around. Screams sounded as the alien staggered on stage holding the hole he just made in her. He gathered his stuff shaking and left. His mission accomplished…
Chapter 1

“Sweetheart there you are!” Dyamin Sketchy replied as she burst through the balcony doors.
Emoris sighed as she continued to stare at the sun set. Nothing seemed to bring more peace to Emoris than watching the three suns fall passed the horizon. The water vapor clouds scattered throughout the sky started to turn gold with a silver lining. Warm air caressed her cheek pushing her neon blue hair into her face. A hand appeared on her shoulder. She immediately shrugged it off and faced her demonic step-mother.
“Hello, Dyamin,” Emoris replied through clenched teeth. With her long finger nails ripping into the palm of her hands, she could only mutter the words she wanted to say to the witch in front of her in her head.
“Sweetie,” Dyamin practically growled it, “I had asked you not to call me that. I’m your mother now, whether you like it or not.”
“I’m sorry. Who said that because… Umm.. You didn’t give birth to me. The woman who did is my mother; though she may not be here, she will continue to be my mother. Don’t think that just because you waltz in here, saying crap like you love my father and me, that you are automatically the new ‘mother.’” Emoris replied.
Dyamin stared at her completely stunned that Emoris had actually spoken her mind. Emoris had always bared through, whatever crap her step-mother had thrown at her, without so much as a complaint. It was all to help her father get through passed her mother’s death years before. He was her last living family member, even though there was rumors amongst the family while they were still around that there might be someone else on a different planet; no one knew for sure. Before Emoris could continue to speak her mind, Dyamin seemed to expose her real self to Emoris.
“You spoiled brat. You think you can take this all away from me? Yes, it’s true. I don’t give a myndo’s butt about your father or you for that matter. Don’t think you can go tell on me, either. You and I both know I have brought him a fantasy that he’s longed for since your mother died. It would devastate him to find out that you’re trying to ruin his dream of having a complete family again. He matters too much to you for you to do that to him,” She sneered quietly.
Oh, that was a low blow, Emoris thought. She scowled at Dyamin. Dyamin just looked smugly as Emoris proved her point.
“Now get you behind downstairs and celebrate Sillia’s birthday with her and the rest of the family or I will tell your father every dirty little secret you think you’ve hid from me. You know like those investigations on your mother’s death,” Dyamin smiled smugly again as the expression of Emoris confirmed her threat.
Dyamin turned on her heel and waltz back into the house. Emoris clasped against the stone railing across the edge of the balcony. She brought her long legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around them as she buried her face in her arms.
‘Why can’t I expose her for who she is without hurting dad? All she’s going to do is hurt my father more, but right now he’s happy,’ Emoris thought.
“Emoris, are you ok?” Zeal asked as she ran to Emoris from inside the house.

Emoris nodded her head and got up.
“I heard what happened. She’s really terrible. I don’t know how your father doesn’t see it.” Zeal commented as they headed downstairs toward the party.
“I don’t know. All I do know is I can’t do anything about it. It would crush him if he found out that Dyamin is a fake.”
“Come on,” Zeal said as grabbed Emoris’s hand.
“Where are we going?”
“I’m not telling you.” Zeal sang as she skipped downstairs, “Stay here, I have someone to speak with.”
Before Emoris could reply, Zeal skipped down the hall toward the living room where the party was being held. Her curly, bright red hair swayed behind her. It stood in contrast to her orange skin. Her eyes were slightly darker shade to her skin. She was average height for the Genific species in the northern countries.
Emoris slipped out the front door, afraid of what Zeal was planning. As she slowly closed the door so it wouldn’t make a sound. As she turned to run, she ran smack into someone knocking them off balance and falling with her. It was Dirk Redstone, the guy who always sent her into a tailspin whenever he was near. He laughed as he watched her face go from stunned to horrified that she just knocked him on his butt and was still on him. She muttered apologies as she scrambled off him. He dusted himself off and continued to laugh.
As the shock and horror slipped away, anger that he was laughing at her took its place. She crossed her arms across her chest while she waited for him to stop laughing. The original plan of escaping Zeal faded from her conscious mind.
“What is so funny?” Emoris asked.
“You,” he said in between his laughing spasms.
“Why am I supposedly so hilarious?” She waited for a reply.
None came. As she was about to press the issue further, Zeal appeared with Barry, her bisexual friend whom she loved just as much as Zeal. They stepped between Dirk and her. Zeal glared at Dirk.
“Don’t you listen? I asked you to stay put till we brought her down,” Zeal commented.
“Well, you guys were taking forever, so I thought I’d come down and steal her away myself. It would’ve been really easy. Especially if what you guys have told me is true-.”
Emoris turned toward her friends, “What does he mean? What did y’all tell him?”
“Nothing,” Zeal said as she elbowed Barry into agreeing with her.
“Barry…” Emoris waited before continuing. “Barristone Armo DeGotochy, what did you tell him?”
Realization hit Emoris hard. She stared at her friends as though they mutated to have two heads each. She glanced at Dirk’s sly crooked grin. Emoris smacked her head against her head and groaned. They had tried to set her up again. At least one of her friends…
Emoris’s train of thought was interrupted as Penelope came running down her driveway. She nearly collapsed when she stopped in front of us. As she gained her breath back, Emoris hoped that she wasn’t part of this delusional plan.
“He. . . fast. . . Couldn’t . . . catch. . . up,” she gasped out as she regained her breathing to a normal speed.
Emoris shook her head and ran away quickly. She knew none of her friends could catch up. She heard Penelope shout in frustration at having to run again. She knew a perfectly location that would slow down even Dirk. Behind her home, her backyard was an untamed woods, passed that it was completely wild. Only a few people knew about the oasis deep in those woods. She’d gladly keep it that way. Emoris walked away from the path to the oasis, enjoying the feeling of having the woods around her.
“….Oh sweetheart, you think you’re alone. That’s so… Innocent.” Someone hissed.
“Whose’s there?” Emoris asked glancing around.
“. . . You’re worst nightmare. The one, that’ll finally end the Vooden race.”
The name didn’t ring a bell at first. As she thought about it more, she remembered this fairy tale her mother used to tell her when she was about to go to bed. It talked about a powerful race that could heal anything in sight if they knew what the wound or illness was and/or how to fix it. They were always needed with the society of warriors. They were beautiful with green skin and neon blue hair. The most tale-tell sign was the healing markings on their bodies when their powers came. It was said that the Vooden could handle just about anything that was thrown at them; they were peace-makers even in the war harden times then. As more Emperors came to power, the emperors and different lords enslaved the Vooden to use against the emperor’s enemies. The Vooden went into hiding to prevent more deaths of their kind. This made no sense though. Why would this thing bring up the fabricated legend of the Vooden? Emoris thought.
“…They are real. . .”
“No they ain’t they are the made up stories parent’s created to give their children fantasize about.” Emoris replied confidently to the rasp of a voice.
“.. . Then how are you here?”
“What do you mean?" _
Silence. Emoris listened harder. Still nothing was said. Emoris hurried back onto her invisible path to the oasis. As she was about to move the last bush that would reveal her paradise, someone was speaking softly. Emoris hesitated.
‘Could this day get any worse?’ Emoris thought with a sigh.
Emoris pushed aside the bush and stopped in shock. It was the hottie she saw in the mall yesterday.
Zeal, Barry, and Emoris wanted to surprise Penelope at her place of work, which was a baby shop. She thought she could hide the fact that she worked at the mall from them. Barry was one of the best hackers that ever lived. There wasn’t anything you could hide from him that had included communication technology. He found out when her shift was. Zeal walked up to the counter. Emoris sat back with Barry laughing. Zeal had painted each of their faces in different abstract designs. Penelope went red as she saw them. She couldn’t believe they were her friends. She ended up smiling and giving each of them a hug. The expecting mothers watched them warily. They continued to laugh. Emoris glanced at the entrance. There a young guy stood staring at her. He had red skin brown hair and blue eyes. He was tall and muscular. He smiled crookedly at her. She smiled back. His friends glared at her. They were desendants of the warriors of the South countries, Dragoons. For whatever reason, they hated her ever since they met her in middle school. The hottie, who drove her heart to light speed just by looking at her and smiling, was one of them. Emoris sighed as Zeal stood beside her. Emoris knew that Zeal was glaring back and giving them the ‘Come on try something; I dare you’ look. Barry was on Emoris’s other side for added support. Although with Zeal, one doesn’t need anyone else. Zeal is like a one woman army. They continued on their way, but not before the hottie got another look at her.
“Oh no!” Emoris whispered as she looked around.
“What?” He asked.
“You brought them here. The only spot I had left,” Emoris accused.
“You know who, the Par brothers and their friends. They’ve wanted to get me alone away from Zeal and Barry.” Emoris whispered as she moved toward the huge rock that could cover her back.
“No, why would I do that?!” He asked.
“Because you’re one of them.”
“I may share their ethnicity, but that doesn’t mean I’m like how they are. I hate how they are so narrow minded, and they are so cruel to everyone.”
“So you didn’t bring them here?”
“No. This is a secret spot I found. I thought it’d be all mine a place I could escape to when things were so overwhelming.”
“Same here.”
“Looks like we have to share it,” he commented.
Emoris thought it over. ‘It wasn’t a big deal. He was hot too.’
“Okay. Oh by the way I’m Emoris Sketchy.” She said as she held her hand out.
“I’m Zerk Jypsy,” he said as he grasped her hand and pulled her toward him.
Before she knew what was happening, he had her in a hug. She tingled all over. Her heart was soaring higher than the stars. They gasped as they jumped out of each other’s grasp. She knew immediately that he was just as perplexed as she was.
‘What just happened?’ She thought.
“What just happened?” Zerk asked.
“I don’t know. That’s never happened to me before.”
“Ok then. I don’t know what that was about. I guess we’ll figure it out later. Right now, I want to get to know the very pretty girl, who I’ll be sharing this oasis with.”
“Ok. Well, what do you wanna know?”
“Let’s see. I know your name and that you’re really pretty.”
Emoris glanced away and blushed.
“You’re also not used to compliments,” he said with a smile. “how many siblings do you have?”
Emoris waited a minute more for the redness to go away before she looked at him and said her answer. “I have three half siblings from the latest step-mother. They are Sillia, the oldest of the bunch but still younger than me by five years and her twin brothers who just turned five. How about you, do you have any siblings?”
“Yes only an older brother, Jezz,” Zerk replied with a half-smile.
“Wow it must be nice to have someone older to learn from.”
“Yeah, sometimes. Other times they just make things worse. When they do something wrong like steal from the cookie jar, your parents wise up and make it harder for you to make the same mistake. So anyway why did you come to this secret spot today?”
“Well, can I trust you?”
“Yeah I promise.” He replied as Emoris studied him.
‘What’s the harm?’ Emoris thought. “Well, see my mother died several years ago. My father has been struggling with the loss. Finally, he found someone that brought him happiness. Unfortunately, she couldn’t be worse for him. She’s a the queen of savage hell-hounds. Now she and her children are here to stay and mooch off my father’s hard-earned money. I can’t say anything about her or else it’d kill my dad. Now she’s trying to get me to call her mom; there is no way that I will. She tried to get me to attend her daughter’s party, but in all honesty Sillia could care less if I’m there. She has everyone in Isron there to celebrate and shower her with attention. And now my friends have tried to set me up with this guy that I used to like until I found out he was everything I didn’t like. I ran away overwhelmed. So I came here. What about you?”
“My father was becoming unbearable again.” _
“I see,” Emoris replied.
Emoris and Zerk continued to talk until the third sun was just above the horizon. She glanced at the sunset and gasped.
“I have to go.” Emoris bounded up and looked her sweatshirt, she shed when she got too warm.
“My father will freak if I’m not home before sunset. Last time he called the authorities when I was a few minutes late. He gets worried very easily even though I’m sixteen.” Emoris explained as she continued her search.
“Oh ok. Well, can I see you again soon?” He asked in a loud whisper.
Emoris stopped her search and looked at him. ‘Was he serious?’ Emoris thought. ‘He is!’ Emoris watched him go blue underneath his red skin. Immediately she feels her face going blue along with his. A smile spreads across her face at the thought of spending more time with this indescribable gentleman. She walked over to him. She grabbed a pen from her back pocket where it always stays. She grabs his wrist and began writing. The tingling in her hands continued even after she let go of him.
Call me soon. <3 1220-127-1110
He smiled as he read the message. He grabbed her palm and wrote on it. He put his body between her and her hand so she couldn’t read it. She tried to figure out what he wrote as he wrote it, but she was too distracted by the tingling wherever they touched. When she regained her wrist, he smiled and recapped the pen.
Will you go out with me? 0506-301-1203
Emoris looked up at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Well, Zerk, I think you’ll have to wait until I message you tonight to find out,” Emoris giggled.
He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Awe, can you please tell me. I’ll make it worth it.”
“Oh, really?” Emoris asked.
“Yes really,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her.
Emoris easily slipped through his arms. He looked disappointed. She walked back to him gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“You’ll have to wait for that too.” Emoris giggled as a cold wind came rushing through the trees.
She shivered and realized she needed to leave now. He removed his jacket and wrapped her up in it. His scent filled the air around her. He kissed her on the cheek. Her phone picked that moment to ring. It was her father.
“Daddy!” Emoris answered with Zerk wrapping her up in his arms to keep her warm while she talked. “Hey I’m coming home now. I went for a walk and didn’t realize how late it was. I’ll be coming through the back door.”
“Okay. Take your time. Dyamin is not in the greatest of moods right now. She’s finding everyone she could possibly take her anger out on and doing so.” Her father sighed as Emoris heard yelling in the background.
“Maybe you should stay over at Zeal’s or Barry’s. She’s found the alcohol.”
“Sure thing, dad. I’ll be sneaking in to grab some clothing and then I’ll head over to Zeal’s.”
“Fine, Love you bye.” He hung up.
Emoris looked at Zerk with a smile. “So if you know since I’m going to my friend Zeal’s her parents don’t care what time I get there as long as I do. They are like family in a way. We could hang out a bit longer.”
Zerk smiled. Emoris lead the way out of the oasis to go get her stuff. She’d have to go look for her sweatshirt tomorrow morning. Zerk followed her to her back yard.
“I need you to stay outside behind the shed. If you hear anyone besides me coming around, run back to the oasis and message me. I don’t need you scarred for life by my step-demon-mother.” she whispered and crept into the back.
The back door immediately lead to two stairs. One leading to the first and second floors while the other went to our basement. Emoris crept up the first stair case and kept going passed the first floor. Her bedroom was right next to the staircase. Quickly she grabbed a bag of hers and filled it with her usual attire for a sleepover.
Emoris snuck back outside to Zerk. No one had came outside since he was still there. As she ran closer, she heard voices. ‘Dang it!’ Emoris thought as she ran faster.
As she had suspected Zeal was speaking with Zerk. She frowned as her best friends w found her hot secret. She sighed she should’ve known they’d be watching the woods to pounce on her as soon as she came out. Penelope and Barry came over to her saying sorry about pushing Dirk on her. Zeal followed suit.
“Guys, we can do all this lovey dovey make up when we are away from the house. Dyamin got into the alcohol while I was out and she’s on a rampage. She’s destroying anything that didn’t come from her, which means I need to leave like now.” Emoris commented as she pushed everyone toward her neighbor’s yard.
“I can take her,” Barry replied as he walked backwards with his hands up in a mock-boxing position.
“Sweetheart, she’d turn you to stone with just one look.” Zeal replied knowing all too well what happens when Dyamin got to the liquor.
“She can’t be that bad.” Zerk commented.
Before Emoris or Zeal could reply, a shout from behind rang off the trees. “Where is she! Emoris Isis Sketchy!”
They all turn around as Dyamin stuck her head out of the second story window. She was scanning the area for Emoris. When she spotted them, steam seemed to billow from her. She struggled to get out of the window.
“Run!” Silia yelled as she held the window closed on her mother’s shoulders.
Emoris didn’t give it another thought. She pushed everyone into a run. If they started to slow down she’s make them go faster. It wasn’t until they reached the corner before Zeals house did they stop. Everyone collapsed from running so far and for so long. Zerk helped Emoris up from the ground. Zeal watched every movement Zerk made and how she reacted to them. Emoris was going to have to pay for this one later.
“Hey, Penelope. Barry. Why don’t you guys come help get dinner ready?” Zeal commented as she gave Barry and Pen the Look.
Emoris laughed as she watched them walk away. Zeal was holding her back for her. She was definitely going to be in lots of trouble from Zeal by the time she got there.
Zerk pulled her into his arms. “So are you going to tell me the answer now?”
“Hmm. . . Should I torture you by waiting till tonight or should I tell ya?”
“I like the idea of you telling me.”
“Well, of course you do, you suggested it,” Emoris said as she giggled and stared up at Zerk.
He smiled sly as he studied her. Her cheek were going as blue as her denim jeans. He laughed. He traced her cheek bones lightly with his thumb. Nothing seem to feel better than being right there with Zerk around her and tracing her features. Her heart was running a marathon as he leaned to kiss her forehead.
“Hey Zerk,” Emoris replied as she decided it was now or never. “do you really want to know my answer?”
His head seemed to be a bobble head in an earthquake. Emoris smiled at his enthusiasm. She gestured for him to come closer. “Ach ja!”
“What?” HE asked.
“When you figure out what that means, you’ll have your answer.” Emoris stated with a mischievous smile as she started to head toward Zeal’s.
“Oh come on,” he said as he grabbed her and pulled her close. “You aren’t going anywhere until you either tell me or give me a kiss.”
She narrowed her eyes at him in a mocked glare. “What if I do neither?”
“I’ll just take you home until either happens.”
Emoris gasped as he picked her up and put her on his shoulder. She giggled as his hand slid across the back of her knee. He noticed what his touch did and repeated it. Emoris tried to swallow her laughs, but they wanted out. He found one of the most ticklish spots on her. Instead of moving toward his house he kept sliding his hand across that spot torturing her with tickles.
“I give! I give just stop that!” Emoris giggled out.
“Now pick,” Zerk said as he set her down on the pavement. _
Before he could do anything, his phone rang. He gestured for her to wait as he answered his call. She waited patiently for him to end the call. He wasn’t very happy after he put his phone away. He sighed and seemed exhausted. He tried to smile for Emoris.
“Is everything ok?” Emoris asked concerned lacing her voice.
“Yeah, my brother just needs me home as soon as possible.” Zerk replied trying to play it off as nothing, but something in his voice couldn’t hide that it was something.
“Ok,” Emoris said as she gave him a long hug. “O and ach ja means of course in Genifian.”
The smile on his face was contagious to Emoris. He picked her up in a hug and spun her around.
“I’m going out with the most beautiful girl in Isron!” He exclaimed.
Emoris giggled and blushed. Zerk reluctantly released her. She walked all the way to Zeal’s house constantly looking back to see Zerk doing the same. Zeal was waiting at the door for her.
Zeal lived in a smaller one story house than Emoris. Emoris’s father was a very powerful government official while Zeal’s mother was the head of the schools and her father was in the architect business. It was made all homey and comfortable, while still looking amazing. They painted the house neon blue to help make it stand out. The color worked for this family. It was an unusual color to paint a house even in this area.
Zeal led me toward her room. By now Emoris knew Zeal’s house better than her own some of the time. Barry and Penelope were lounging around in Zeal’s sitting room that’s connected to her bedroom. They stopped what they were doing. They gave Emoris all of their attention.
“Spill,” they all said in unison.
“Nice to see you all too,” Emoris muttered as she sighed. “Ok, okay. It all started the day we went to go surprise Pen. Zerk was with the Dragoons. Though he doesn’t believe the same they do. Anyway I was walking around my secret area, and it seems it’s not my secret anymore. Zerk was there trying to relax after another bad encounter with his dad. So I let him stay and we started to talk. Honestly, he is everything I could’ve hoped were in a guy. He’s funny, smart, hot! Soon it got really late, and I needed to leave. He had asked me if he could see me again. So I wrote my number on his hand and said call me. Well that seemed to give him confidence so he wrote on my wrist here,” Emoris gestured to the ink on her arm. “Asking me out and giving me his number…”
Emoris continued to tell them what happened.