That Summer


It was beautiful. The kind of beautiful you see in movies and think is fake. That kind of beautiful.

I had just stepped off the bus that had taken me from the Denver International Airport to the University of Wyoming in Laramie. I parked myself on the curb in front of the Gladdis Auditorium building. The sun beat down and soaked greedily into the pavement, and I could feel the heat on my back. The sun was unbelievably hot here but there was no humidity; basically you get third degree sunburns and don't notice it until it's too late.

I had come to Laramie to work on Blue Rock Ranch for the summer. Blue Rock Ranch was about an hour out of town in the Rocky Mountains, and I was going to be a nanny to the owner’s children (the official title was "Au pair"). They were boys: Chris, 13, and Alex, 10. The job description told me they could mostly take care of themselves, but I was more like a paid chauffeur. I took them where they needed to go, and I could join them in their activities, or I could run errands instead. The ranch was a vacationing ranch and it offered endless opportunities for fun: fishing, swimming, horseback riding, hiking, games, and camping. In addition to this, the boys liked to hang out with friends in Laramie, and play golf and lacrosse. Other than keeping the boys busy and happy, I was to iron shirts in the morning, clean the house, and help the youngest boy –Alex – with his summer school work. Having plenty of siblings myself, it didn't seem like rocket science -- Plus, I love kids.

My ride out to the ranch was Krista, the mother of the boys. She was supposed to pick me up...I checked my phone.... 15 minutes ago now. I looked around, and there was no sight of the truck she told me she’d be driving. It was getting hot on the black pavement, so I decided to lug my bags inside the auditorium. I picked a chair close to the door and waited.

Krista was an hour late, and when I saw her blue pickup truck pulling in, I went outside so she didn't have to search for me.

She saw me and burst out, "Oh gosh honey, I am so sorry to have kept you waiting."

She was about my height with dark brown hair and dimples. She was probably late-thirties, but her face seemed younger.

"It’s no big deal!" I said kindly, "I figured you got caught up with something."

"You're right, I definitely did, but I got here as fast as I could! Have you been waiting long?"

I didn't want to be a brat, and I didn't want her feeling bad about being late either. "Nah! Not bad at all. My bus was a little late, so I'm glad you weren't on time anyways."

She took my bags and signaled me to follow her back to the truck, "I'm so glad to finally meet you Leigh. The boys have been talking about you nonstop all week. They're pretty excited too!"

"Thanks, I'm really glad to be here. I can't wait to meet them!"

When we reached her old blue pickup, she opened the passenger door for me and tossed my bags in the bed. “Hop in!”

She continued as we wound our way through the city "It will definitely be a good summer for you guys, I’m sure of it. The ranch is never a dull place! And you told me during our interview that your boyfriend – Jackson right? – is working at the ranch next door?"

I smiled. Ah Jackson. I couldn't wait to see him. He drove his truck out a week before I flew in, and a week without seeing him sounded pretty pathetic, but I really did miss him.

"Yeah Jackson is next door! He actually took the rest of my luggage with him so I didn't have to pay to check baggage. I'm a light packer, but not this light." I laughed.

She laughed too. "Well I wasn't going to say anything but the lack of luggage did surprise me! Anyways, having him next door will make the summer even more fun. You guys are pretty serious huh?"

She was prying, but I really didn't mind. "Yeah, he actually had the "talk" with my dad before he drove out last week. I think he's planning to propose this summer."

She almost squealed. I was glad she was as much a girl as I was. "That's so great! Are you excited?!"

"Yes very." I said and smiled. "I can't wait to marry him."

She glanced at me and grinned, "That time of life is so much fun. Please keep me updated on the big moment, whenever it happens.”

“Of course! Consider yourself in on all the gossip.”

Laramie began to blur by outside the truck windows, and suddenly it was behind us. My insides flipped excitedly, only one hour until my summer in the Rockies began.

* * *

During the one hour drive, Krista filled me in on everything from the guests, to the cabin I would be staying in, to my roommates, to the new horses they'd just bought. I felt like I knew everything there was to know by the time we were pulling onto the long dirt driveway that led to Blue Rock Ranch. The scenery spilled out in front of us. There were about 15 buildings, and people were dotting the areas between them. Further away I saw horses galloping across a field. Yep, this was definitely just like the movies.

I saw Krista smile from the corner of my eye, and then she said "Well, here we are! Welcome to Blue Rock Ranch!"

I nodded, "It's beautiful."