That Summer


Krista took me to my cabin and helped carry my bags inside. It was unnecessary, but kind of her.

When we got inside I noticed two other girls laying in the corner of the room on a futon. They appeared to be reading but glanced up when we came in. Krista smiled and pointed at the closest girl, "Leigh, this is Cala Westergard, she's from Iowa." Cala grinned at me; she was on her stomach reading. Judging by the way her feet hung well past the edge of the bed, she was probably pretty tall.

"Hi, Cala. I'm Leigh, It's nice to meet you."

"You too! Are you the nanny?” Her blonde hair hung over her eyes when she looked up from her book.

I nodded at her "Sure am!"

Krista pointed at the other girl, "This is Lizzy Sullivan, and she’s from Minnesota."

Lizzy had dark brown hair; it was a flippy shoulder length style, which fit her tiny frame perfectly. She couldn't be more than 5 feet tall, and I towered over her at my 5'6" inches. She piped up in a shrill soprano voice, accentuated by a distinctive Minnesotan accent, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, you should YouTube it.

"Hey girl, welcome to our humble abode! It's good to have ya."

I nodded again and smiled, "Thank you."

Krista turned back to me, "There are two more girls who live in this cabin,” She added, nodding towards the extra beds, “But they must be out right now.” She continued, “Well, I'll let you guys get to know each other. Leigh, just go to breakfast with these girls in the morning. It's served at 7:30 in the Lodge. I'll pick you up there around 8:30 to take you on a tour and get you acquainted with what you'll be doing next week. Also, you'll meet the boys tomorrow after school. They can't wait. Let me know if you need anything and if not I'll see you in the morning! Night, girls!"

They chimed in, "Good night Krista!"

As she was walking out we heard her laugh, "Ya'll stay out of trouble..."

After the door shut, Lizzy started with the getting-to-know-each-other and asked me "So you’re the nanny… Are you excited?”

"Yeah," I said, "I'm really excited. What are your jobs?"

"I’m a wrangler," said Cala. “I work with the horses and will be leading the guest’s rides every day-- once they start arriving. We've only been here three days, so don't feel left out or anything. We're pretty new here too."

I laughed, "Good, I hate being the new kid". Cala nodded, knowingly.

Lizzy piped in, "Oh, and I’m in guest services. I waitress and clean the guests rooms. The other two girls who live here are Michelle – A wrangler – and Esther; she’s guest services with me. You’ll meet them later. I think they went in town for a beer.”

I nodded, “Cool! I can’t wait to meet them. I originally wanted to do guest services, but I have to get back to college in August, and I saw the position lasted until October. Are you in school?”

Lizzy answered first, “I just graduated high school, so I’m taking a semester off and going to school in January.”

"What about you, Cala?"

She looked sheepish, “I’m 22; just graduated from college. I decided to have a one more fun summer before I get a real-life job.

They both giggled, and Lizzy added “So I guess we’re all escaping reality for a while. I’m all about adventure.”

Cala agreed, and then looked at me, “By the way, you said your name was Lee right?”

“Well, it’s actually Pemberleigh. P-E-M-B-E-R-L-E-I-G-H.” I spelled it out for them.

“Awww, cute name!” said Lizzy,

I smiled at her earnest expression, "thanks Lizzy."

I liked them. They were sweet girls, and I'd say they seemed to be pretty laid back, which is all you can ask for in roommates. I felt at home, and it definitely felt like we were going to be friends. With multiple girls in one cabin, I worried initially that I might be the odd one out since they already had a head start on knowing each other, but they put my fear to rest and included me right away. It was a relief.

Lizzy pointed at one of the empty beds, "Since the other girls aren't here to claim their territory, I’ll show you which one is yours. Is that all that you brought?!" She sounded incredulous as I lifted my tiny carry-on suitcase and laptop bag onto the bed.

"Nooo....." I said, dragging out the syllables, “My boyfriend Jackson works next door, and he drove out here last week so he brought all of my real luggage so I could save money and not check baggage."

"Oh," said Cala, "That makes sense. So I guess he's bringing it over in a little while then?"

"Yeah, he should be here any time. Will you guys mind if he hangs out here occasionally? We'll mostly hang out at his place when we have time, but I don't want to seem intrusive if I have him over here."

Lizzy answered for both of them, "Oh girl, we do NOT care. You can have him here all you please! How long have you been together?"

"About three years, he's planning to propose this summer, or so a little birdie told me." I could hear my voice squeak in nervousness.

The girls squealed. "OH MY GOD! That is so sweet!" Lizzy chirped. Cala added similar sentiments. "We will throw you an engagement party when he does."

"Thanks guys, I'm very excited. He's the love of my life."

"Awwwww," They said in unison.

"I can't wait to find that for myself," said Lizzy.

"Me either," Said Cala, "We've got our eyes on some cuties here though, might make for a fun summer."

Cala winked at Lizzy.

"Mmm, that does sound like fun. I'm in total support of a summer romance." I said to them, “You’ll have to point the cuties out tomorrow.”

Just then, there came a knock at the door.

The girls looked at me suggestively, "All yours," giggled Cala.

I walked over to the door and opened it cautiously. It took only a second to take it in, but there stood Jackson. All 6'4" of him. Dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and the world's best dimples. I literally jumped into his arms.

"Oh honey, I've missed you so much." He whispered into my ear.

"I've missed you too, Jackson. More than you will ever know. A thousand miles away is just too far. I'm glad we get to be together this summer."

"You're telling me, baby. You're telling me." He bent down and pecked my lips sweetly, aware of his audience. Nodding politely at my new roommates he said, "Just a second Leigh, I'll grab your bags."

When I turned back towards the room, Lizzy and Cala were grinning like idiots.

I shook my head "Don't even start."

Jackson hauled my two huge suitcases into the small cabin, and set them on my bed. When he had finished, I introduced him officially to Cala and Lizzy.

"Babe, these are my roommates, Lizzy and Cala."

"Hello ladies, I'm Jackson. It's nice to meet you. I'm sure you'll keep Leigh outta trouble this summer."

They smiled broadly, "Well, she might be the one keeping us out of trouble, but we'll keep an eye on her for ya." Lizzy offered.

"It's nice to meet you though, Jackson. We already told Leigh that you’re welcome to spend time here as much as you want. We're pretty go-with-the-flow." Cala said, stringing the words into a loop and looking at Lizzy for confirmation. Her head bobbed methodically.

"Well thanks guys, that’s really nice of you. It was great to meet you." He nodded at them and smiled a pleasant goodbye. They did the same.

I walked Jackson out to his truck and he grabbed my wrists, pulling me to him. "You wanna get out of here for a while? Go for a drive and catch up?"
His ice blue eyes were longing. My stomach flipped. "Let me just tell them I'm leaving."
He kissed me softly, tempting me to just skip telling them at all... but I pulled away and ran up to the cabin again.

"Hey girls, we're going to go for a drive to spend some time together. I'll be back in a few hours, okay?"

"Okay!" They said together.

"You have FUN," Cala said with a smirk. I just shook my head.

"Alright," I said, embarrassed. "We will. I'll see you guys later."

When I got back to the truck Jackson pulled me into his arms, "Finally, we can be alone. I just want to talk to you and hold you. We don't get to do enough of that."

"No, not near enough." I replied.

"Thanks for being mine." He said.

"Mmmhm," was all I could manage.

"Are you ready to see a mountain sunset?" He asked, "It'll be my little 'Welcome-to-the-Rocky-Mountains' for you. The welcome might include a little more of this too..." And he kissed me again.

"You don't have to tell me twice," I said, and I climbed into his truck.