Destiel is Cute in Bed

Destiel is Cute in Bed

“Dean.” Sam said quietly, looking across the motel room at his brother, who was lying tangled up in a heap of bedsheets.

“Sam.” Dean replied, his voice gravely with sleep.

“You need to get up now. We have to be in Wisconsin before tomorrow morning. It’s going to take us at least 7 hours drive. And that’s if we drive at Hunter’s Prerogative.” Hunter’s Prerogative is top of the speed limit. But not 1 mph over. Because no one wants to be stopped for speeding with an arsenal of supernatural weapons in the trunk.

“But I’m tired.” Dean whined, his voice still grating with sleep.

“Dean. Get up.” Sam replied, keeping his voice level. “You need a shower before we leave.”

Silence from Dean’s bed. Sam sighed.


“Sam.” Dean replied again. Sam pursed his lips and clenched his teeth.

“I’m serious Dean. I’m going to get us some breakfast. When I get back you better be showered and ready to leave.” Sam left and silence fell in the motel room once more.

“I don’t want to get up Dean.” Came a deep voice from Dean’s covers.

“I know Cas.”
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Yeah I know. It's tiny. 190 words is a stupid length for a story. But in my defence it's my first Destiel, its my first slash fanfiction and its cute <3 Enjoy