Sequel: Trapped

Long Lost Love

Chapter 1

I sat there listening to Love The Way You Lie by Eminem. The smell of french fries and hamburgers filled the air. My friends, Hannah and Bailey got up and asked me if I wanted to go outside. I said no because I didn't want to make my hair frizzy from the previous rain. The lunchroom grew quiet. I sat with my other friends. Not paying attention to them because my music was all the way up. I grew bored and walked to my locker to check if someone took anything. Nothing was taken but, added. I stared at a neon blue square. I picked it up and unfolded it. It was a note.
I know you don't like me anymore but I like you. I couldn't keep these feelings I have for you in any longer. Jade, I don't just like you. I LOVE you. I hope you feel the same way.
I stared at the note. I felt a breath down my neck. I turned and saw Justin.
" Will you go out with me?"
"Justin, I dumped you twice. How could you ever forgive me after that?"
"I know but I was young then. I didn't know what love was until we went out."
"Let me think about it."
With that, I turned back around and grabbed my iPad out of my locker. I rushed to my other class.
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