Status: ACTIVE!

You Know I'll Be Your Life, Your Voice, Your Reason to Be

I Love Those Cupcakes!

“Liam, here, just place your hands here and try it again,” I encouraged him as I sat next to him on the piano bench, helping him learn how to play.

“I’m not good at it,” He pouted.

“Just watch my hands,” I smiled, showing him how to play.

When I was done, Liam pulled me onto his lap and rested his hands on top of mine as I played the piece, trying to follow.

“Now you try,” I grinned.

Liam placed his fingers on the bright white keys but the beautiful piano made a very ugly noise and Liam groaned, “I’m not too good at this. I need kisses to make it better.”

“I suppose I could do that,” I giggled, leaning in to press our lips together.

”EW!” I heard voices say.

Liam and I pulled away to see all of the one directions boys standing there and Charlotte was in Harry’s arms. You’re probably a little confused, so let me fill you in. Liam and I have been going out for about a year now and it’s been the best year of my life. I’ve grown so close with the rest of the boys and I feel like they’re my family and all of them treat Char so well.

Today everyone was over at Liam’s house but while the boys were outside, being their weird selves, Liam and I went inside and I tried to teach him piano…but that failed.

“Lunch is ready!” Louis announced.

All of us filtered outside where Louis was cooking barbeque and Liam helped him. We took our seats and Charlotte entertained everyone with her silly comments until we started eating.

“These hamburgers are really good Lou,” I spoke up.

“I know, I’m just that amazing,” He brushed it off.

“I helped too,” Liam smiled like a five year old.

“Aw,” I cooed, leaning over to peck his lips.

“Oh Kirstie!” Harry said in a high pitched voice, coming over to sit on my lap, “I helped, don’t I get a kiss too!”

“No!” I laughed. “Get off me you weirdie!”

I pushed him off of my lap and he landed in a laughing heap on the ground and the laughs intensified as we all joined in. Once he brushed himself off and sat back down Niall started saying, “I’m so excited for the tour.”

“Me too. Kirstie, you’re coming with us aren’t you?” Zayn asked me.

“No,” Liam pouted, hanging his head.

“Why not?” Lou and Harry asked simultaneously.

“Cause mommy doesn’t like Harry ‘cause he’s annoying,” Char stated matter of factly causing everyone else to bust out laughing except for Harry.

“Harry, I love you too,” I cooed, petting his fluffy hair that reminded me of my own brown curls.

“So why aren’t you coming?” Louis questioned, taking a bite of his burger.

“I just can’t be gone for two months and take Charlotte out of school that long. We’ll come when she’s on spring break though,” I smiled.

“Liam will be all whiny until you come,” Zayn groaned.

“And so will Niall because he’ll be groaning that you aren’t there to make your yummy cupcakes,” Liam chuckled.

“I love those cupcakes!” Niall piped up.

I had to let out a laugh at Niall, he’s so cute. He’s like my little brother but all of the boys are like family to me. I’m going to miss them like crazy while they’re gone but I know I’ll have so much fun when Charlotte and I go to see them!
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this first chapter is lame but it will get better! i have a really good idea for this one!
p.s. on a random note, i have a tumblr: and yeah, if you guys do to, i'll definately check out your blog!

i'd really love some comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!