Status: ACTIVE!

You Know I'll Be Your Life, Your Voice, Your Reason to Be

Morning Curly's!

Harry’s POV

When I woke up in the morning I pulled on some sweatpants and a tee shirt, not bothering to calm my curly hair that was a big fluffy mess and headed to the little kitchen that the nice hotel suite had. I found Kirstie sitting at the counter, eating a banana wearing something similar to me.

“Good morning,” I groaned through my sleepiness.

“Hey,” She replied, pushing some of her own curls out of her face.

“I feel like my hair is eating me in the morning,” I chuckled.

“Yes! I totally know what you mean! My hair is so big in the morning in these crazy frizzy curls,” Kirstie sympathized with me. “Harry, we should have grown up in the 80’s because we would have had the perfect hair for it.”

“That is so true,” I laughed as I sat down at the counter with her. “So how are you Kirst?”

“I’m good. I really missed all of you and I missed Liam so much so it’s good to be with you guys again,” She told me.

“We missed you too, and Charlotte. Life isn’t the same without you two around,” I honestly said.

“I sure never thought when I left America that I’d end up being friends with famous people, let alone dating one,” Kirstie laughed.

“So you really had no idea who we were? I can’t believe you hadn’t seen this sexy face before,” I questioned.

“You are too full of yourself,” She teased, giving me a little shove. “But no I really hadn’t and Liam is so down to earth and sweet that I never would have guessed he was famous.”

“Liam is such a great driver, it’s weird that he hit you but I’m glad he did so that we got to meet you,” I grinned.

“It must have been fates way of telling us we need to be together,” Kirstie explained with a cute smile.

“Morning curly’s!” Louis laughed at his own joke as he walked into the kitchen. “Hey Kirstie, I think I heard Charlotte up.”

“Okay, thanks Lou,” She smiled as she got up and went in search of her little girl.

Louis rummaged through the cuboards before settling on a bagel and then joined me at the counter to eat. We just talked about random stuff until we saw Liam walk to the living room with Charlotte held in one arm while the other was draped around Kirstie and they were all giggling about something. I couldn’t help but let out a small sigh.

“What’s wrong Hazza?” Louis questioned, seeing my distressed face.

“Nothing, I’m fine. Just…tired,” I lied.

His lips curled into a smile as he asked, “You like Kirstie don’t you?”

“No!” I shouted.

“Yes you do. I know you Harry and you like her,” Lou wagged his finger at me.

“Alright, okay, I do. But I can’t,” I groaned, resting my head on the counter.

“You’re right. She’s Liams girl and you can’t do that to Liam,” Louis stated. “Besides, they really love each other.”

“I know, I wouldn’t try to steal her from him but it’s just frusterating. I can usually get whatever girl I want but the one girl I really want is so close to me but I can’t have her,” I sighed.

“I know it’s hard but you’ll get over it mate,” He encouraged, patting my back. “I’m sure it’s just a little crush and you’ll find a different girl.”

“But I don’t want a different girl,” I softly said to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
getting spicy!

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