Status: ACTIVE!

You Know I'll Be Your Life, Your Voice, Your Reason to Be

How Could You?

Liam’s POV

I played with Charlotte for a while until we had to go to the airport. Niall and I grabbed the bags and tossed them into the taxi while Louis and Zayn brought Charlotte down and Harry shortly followed along with Kirstie.

For some reason, Kirstie seemed to be acting weird the whole ride to the airport but I’m sure that she is just bummed about leaving, I’m super sad she’s leaving so I just pulled her closer to me and Kirstie rested her head on my shoulder.

Once we arrived at the airport, I held one of Char’s hands and my other was laced with Kirstie while the boys walked with us. We had to wait for a while until her plane was called to board. All of us said our goodbyes to her and Char but once I parted from my hug with her she was crying.

“Aw baby, don’t cry. I’ll be back soon and we’ll talk all the time like we have been,” I cooed to her.

“No Liam, that’s not why I’m crying,” She shook her head.

“Then why are you?” I asked.

“Because I have to break up with you,” Kirstie cried.

”What?” I gasped, getting totally blindsided.

“Liam, I did something awful,” She bawled. “Harry and I kissed!”

“You kissed?” My jaw dropped.

She nodded and kept on crying as she tried to choke out words, “We were caught up in the moment and I’m so sorry Liam. I’m such an awful girlfriend. I love you so much but I have to break up with you because I can’t do this to you, I can’t hurt you more than I have and your life is just better without me.”

And with that, she took Charlotte’s hand and walked onto the plane. I could barely even blink I was in such shock. As soon as I shook off my numbness, I turned to Harry.

”How could you!” I shouted.

“I’m sorry, it was a weird moment and-“ Harry rambled.

“So in weird moments you just go around kissing other people’s girlfriends?” I asked.

“I’m sorry Liam! I really like her and I guess I’ve just been keeping it in so long I just took the opportunity. But please, it was all my fault, not Kirstie’s. Don’t blame it on her,” Harry pleaded to me.

“I just can’t believe you. Harry you can get whatever girl you want, and that doesn’t bother me but if you can have any girl, why can’t you respect me and leave my girlfriend alone?” I shot at him. “I love her! Can’t you just let me be happy?”

“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry Li,” He apologized. “She’s just a really special girl.”

“Yeah she is, that’s why I love her! But you don’t really care for her, you just want a challenge, you want a girl you can’t have just to see if you can get her too. You’re only attarcted to her since you can’t have her, even if it’s at the expense of me!” I shouted before storming off.