you could believe in me.

i'll write you this lullabye.

"Can you make it mean something this time?"

It was barely a sound in his ear but he knew, he
understood; her head rested on his bare thighs as his
fingers groped aimlessly at first, then found their smooth,
calculated rhythm.

"Not like that, Andy. Let it flow, not like you're making it for
a record," Her voice was warmer this time as she looked
up, her heavy eyes, heavy heart, soft skin weighing down
on him more than they ever had before. Just like how he
knew the pills weighed her stomach on her bad days, just
like how he knew how quiet she'd get and how withdrawn
and- "I need something to believe in."

"You could believe in me," He offered a moment
afterwards. "I'll take care of you, Rory; I'll make you dream
dreams you never thought you'd see, if you'll let me."

Her smile was wry and tired as she yawned, closing her
eyes and shrugging. A minute passed before he nodded
slightly, his foot finding the pedal and the string of notes
that had always been for her, had always been hers.
would always be hers.