Status: In progress :)

Here Goes Nothing

A grip so tight I couldn't tear it apart

"You were great out there." I heard a voice say. I didn't even have to turn around (even if I did) to know that the voice belonged to Wesley.

"Please, I was more than nervous which cost me to rant unnecessarily about lots of things. But although I remember clearly trying to stop myself from talking about all this nonsense and constantly failing, I have to admit that I can't remember half the things we talked about. I believe the stress is the cause of my temporary amnesia." I shrugged and he chuckled. 

"I mean it Kaleigh. You were awesome." He said and he looked sincere.

"Well, thank you Wesley. And for what it's worth, I think YOU were really amazing out there." I smiled warmly.

"Really? Amazing enough for me to take you out on a date sometime soon?" He asked me as he cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms. I didn't have a chance to answer before Maddi came behind Wesley. 

"Hey guys! Are you gonna come at my room tonight? We're all gonna be there to celebrate Steve-O's birthday. She said happily, completely oblivious to the conversation that was going on between Wesley and I. 

"Sure, I'll be there." I said, finally looking at her. 

"Cool! And...what about you Wesley?" She asked shyly. 

"Wouldn't dream of missing it Maddi." He said, but he was still looking intently at me. 

"Ok great! Anyways, my dad wanted me to go with him to the store so I'll catch up with you guys later okay?" She asked. I simply looked at her with a tight-lipped smile as I nodded.

"Sounds good Mads." Wesley replied and with that, Madison skipped off happily. 

"Now where were we?" Wesley wondered out loud as he smirked. 

"I already told you, Wesley. I can't offer you anything other than friendship until Maddi knows exactly what you feel for her. I don't want to hurt her. She's my best friend." I explained softly, hoping he'd understand. 

"I really wish you would stop calling me that." He said slightly exasperated. 

"I was under the impression that this was your name." I told him.

"Well if you haven't noticed, everyone around here calls me Wes." He said.

"I actually enjoy the name Wesley. It's not exactly a common name and I think it deserved to be pronounced." I said, not wanting to tell him the truth. The truth being that, of course I had noticed how everyone called him, but if I called him by his full first name, it only made our relationship and our bond THAT more special. Yes, I definitely have issues. 

"Oh it's pronounced. My mother's the only one who EVER calls me by my full name." He said as he slightly shook his head. And then I felt bad.

"Does it really bother you that I call you Wesley?" I asked him, suddenly uncertain. Hi green eyes stared at my brown ones before his tense face relaxed and broke into a smile. 

"I guess, comming from's not that bad. It just feels like such a nerdy name." He said and I knew he was joking around.

"That's because you ARE a nerd." I whispered grinning before squealing when he started tickling me. We were both too busy laughing (me trying to escape his tight grip and him trying to tickle me to death) to notice two pair of eyes looking intently at us. We probably wouldn't have known anybody was in the room with us if one of the two people finally cleared their throat. 
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So here's another chapter guys! Once again, thanks for everything! :)