Status: Second Green Day fic. Whoo? :)

Fight to the End


Billie Joe Armstrong sat on the bed of his hotel room. He kept wincing every 3 minutes due to a small stab of pain that occurred in his head. Billie had a headache. No it seemed worse than that. It was the headache you have during a hangover…except he wasn’t drunk. He felt his brain throbbing through his skull and kept closing his eyes, hoping the pain will go away.

“I can’t let this get to me.” He said to himself. “I have soundcheck and Mike and Tre are coming in a few minutes.”

He took a deep breath and stood up from his bed. He walked to his closet and found his black button down shirt and black skinny jeans. Just then his bedroom door knocked. He opened to see Mike standing there.

“Hey, you ready?” Mike asked.

“Um…yeah just…where’s Tre?”

“He got new drumsticks so he’s trying them out.”

They heard small taps on the floor and see Tre bouncing the sticks on the floor to get them warmed up. Billie kept wincing whenever they dropped.

“Hey, you alright?” Mike said as he noticed Billie wincing whenever Tre tapped his drumsticks.

“Yeah, Mike I’m fine. Why would you say that?”

“Just that you were wincing at the taps, and you look a bit pale…Do you want to cancel

“Not a chance. I’m fine. Just…” Billie said thinking of an excuse. “I kind of got up just 5 minutes ago. I’m still a bit groggy. Give me a few minutes to finish getting ready and I'll be good to go.”

“Alright.” Mike said, not sure if he should believe Billie or not.

Billie walked to the bathroom and closed the door over. He splashed cold water on his face and closed his eyes once more. He never had this big of a headache before, especially not one before soundcheck. He opened his eyes to stare at himself in the mirror. He did look paler than ever. His green eyes seemed to be hazed over and there were dark rims around them. He tried to put some eye liner on when he got a throbbing pain once more, sharper than the pain he felt before. He dropped the eyeliner and put his hands to his head.

He needed the pain to stop soon but Billie was stubborn; He couldn't let this get to him. Not now. Not when there's a sold out show. He re-opened his eyes to find his vision very hazy than before and he felt dizzy. This was bad. This was very, very bad. He tried to walk to the door to call his bandmates when his legs gave out and he collapsed onto the floor, his head banging on the tile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun dun dunnnnn.