Macbeth M'love.


First Draft
She lies, sneaking out in the middle of the night to go to his house. Her boyfriend is asleep in her bed, but her heart doesn’t beat for him. It’s fluttering a fast pace as she glances at her phone.
She’ll be there in ten minutes, and can’t wait to see his smile. He always smiles when she comes over. The feeling of taboo overwhelms her, as she pulls up to the house. It’s all dark, every light on the whole street is asleep, as most people are as well. I’m here. She sends the message flying off through the air off to his phone and creeps up the front steps, waiting by the door. His grandmother is sleeping not fifteen feet away, and he’s standing there with the door open. He motions to his lips with a finger to make sure she’s quiet and she ascends the stairs slowly, knowing exactly where to step so as not to make the floor creak. It’s not the first time she’s traveled this same path to his dark room.
He wraps his arms around her waist from behind and hug her tightly. She can barely contain the smile on her face, stretching ear to ear. “Tiggur…” she whispers and giggles, turning around arm leaning into him. He smells amazing, and his arms feel strong and safe around her. “I love you.” She means it. The only thing she knows anymore is that she loves him.
“I love you.” he replies simply, sitting down on the bed after his arms retreat from around her waist. “Come here.”
She smiles and follows his lead, lying down in the bed next to him and kisses his shoulder as she does. Every touch is like electricity as they lie, entangled in each other’s arms and enjoying the company. Nothing is said for the few hours they’re together, snuggling and watching as a movie plays idly on the screen. They drift in and out of sleep, readjusting and clinging tighter to one another when they wake. But, eventually it has to end. Her mother will be home in a few hours, and his grandmother has to wake up sometime.
“You have to go.”
She sighs and nods at him, standing and slowly making her way toward the door. She doesn’t want to leave, and he knows it. His arms snake around her and pull her in for one more elongated hug. “You know I love you.” she says, he just smiles and chuckles, the sound muffled by her hair. She shivers, the warmth of his breath tickling her skin, his hands making soft trails along her skin. She loves him.
Eventually, though, he does make her leave. Walking to the door, she thinks of going home and sleeping next to her boyfriend, instead of next to him. The thought makes her heart sink, slightly. She knows that this a lie that will have to end soon, she’ll have to give one of them up. She knows which one that it has to be. The water from outside seeps into her shoe as she takes her first step out into the rain soaked world. “Roo, wait…” his hand spins her around, their lips meet in a moment of pure bliss; but only for a moment. Her heart is racing fifty miles an hour and she can barely see straight. “I love you.” he says one last time as she turns and walks down the road to her car.
Rain streaks down her cheeks, mingling with the salty tears. No one knows that she’s going to have to break her own heart. No one knows that he loves her, that she loves him. Everyone knows about her and her boyfriend. Everyone knows.
The drive home is so long. Streetlights shining through the windows and illuminating her sparkling, wet eyes. The rain falls in the streets and splashes up off the pavement, just as her tears splash on the steering wheel. Her heart is slowly breaking as she heads home to her boyfriend, the one she has to stay with. Taking out her phone, she calls me; all I hear is sniffling before she whispers, “Why am I doing this to myself?” But, I don’t understand.
“Doing what?” I question, groggily. “What’s wrong?” The sniffling stops, and the voice on the other end becomes stiff, she’s hiding something.
“Nothing.” The connection ends, and she’s back to driving in silence. Her driveway is in sight, and the flutter in her heart is gone, just a bleak emptiness she doesn’t know how to explain. The engine of her car is killed, and nothing but the sound of the rain plays in her ears. It’s been raining for days, and she smirks to herself. ‘People say that rain is the tears of the angels, they must have a lot to cry about.’ the thought slips through her mind only to be stolen away by the darkness.
Inside the house, he sits, waiting for her. The televisions blares, but he barely hears it. She’s been gone for hours. He woke up when she went sneaking out into the night. She said she was going to see a friend, but from the smile on her face it couldn’t have been just anyone. The door opens, and he looks at her. She looks exhausted, and he smiles. “Hey babe.” the words roll off his tongue, pure love ringing through each of them. His arms snake around her waist, but she doesn’t curl into him how she should. She just stands and sighs to herself.
‘He’s stable, he’s safe, he’s the right choice’ she silently screams to herself. He smiles a little as she lays her head on his shoulder. “I love you.” he says to her, letting his lips caress her rosy cheek.
Lifting her head and looking into his eyes, a sad smile breaks across her face. “I love you, too…”
She lies, again, crawling back into the same bed that she left to go see the one she truly loves. Her boyfriend crawls in with her, and holds her. No electricity sparks this time. But, tonight is the last night she’ll lie to the man who loves her. Tonight is the night she’ll give her Tiggur up. Tonight is the night that her lie, becomes her life.