We meet, at last.


Later that night, when the show was over and every fan surrounding our buses had gone home, Brian suggested: “Come on, we get a day off in London tomorrow, we can go out tonight!”

Everyone cheered and made plans for the night. Where are we going? Who’s coming? What time should we be back? Can we get drunk? I took my phone out and texted Emma: Get away from the buses but don’t go far.

She simply wrote back “ok” and so I watched as everyone got ready to go out.

“Guys,” I said, faking a hoarse voice, “I don’t think I’m coming out tonight.”

Lauren laughed. “Oh come on, Joey!”

“Are you ok?” Joe said, approaching me with a concerned look. I winked at him when he was close enough to see and I saw his eyes widen. “Oh,” he said.

“Is he alright?” Dylan asked, sticking his head back in the bus. Joe turned around.

“Er… not really.” He looked at me and I shook my head, mouthing ‘please’. He nodded.

“He’d better get some rest, then.” Dylan said. “Now hurry up Joe, everyone’s leaving.”

“Coming!” he said. He turned back to face me again and we stared at each other.

“Thank you, Joe.” I said.

“Just… be cautious. I’ll be sure to make everyone stay out really late.”

I smiled and walked up to him, then hugged him without saying anything.

“Yeah, yeah, alright, alright, now go get her!” He rolled his eyes and left.

I was left alone, the silence ringing in my ears after the loud noises of the crowd. My heart was pounding, my hands were shaking as I picked up my phone and texted: where are you?

I saw Joe leaving. I’m outside the door.

I was nervous. I kept thinking of how I met her eyes for the first time in the crowd, I closed my eyes and felt her hands on my chest, dancing with me. I shook my head clear of these thoughts and pressed the button that opened the bus door. I stepped outside and looked around. I almost laughed when I saw she was waiting outside the wrong bus. I walked to her and she turned around, as if feeling my presence. I smiled and she threw herself into my arms, hugging me for the first time.

My arms easily found their way around her shoulders and I held her close to me, scared this was only a dream. “Hey, you.” I said.

“Oh Joey.” She said, her voice shaking. “I can’t believe this.”

“Neither can I.” I murmured. I kissed the top of her head and caressed her hair. “I can’t believe this is true. You’re here. I’m here.”

She said nothing but pressed her head even more to my chest. We had no intention of letting go of each other any time soon. Suddenly she said: “Your heart’s beating.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, well, thank God for that, or I wouldn’t be alive right now.”

She laughed and looked up at me. “You know what I mean.”

I nodded. Our eyes met once again but this time it was different. It was just us. No cheering fans, no people around, no loud music. We didn’t even have to talk. We text each other every day, all day. We knew there wouldn’t be much left to say once this moment came.

“I love you, Emma.” I whispered. She smiled.

“I love you too, Joey.” She murmured back.

I kept one arm around her shoulder but let my hand slowly brush against her cheek, my eyes never leaving hers. I leaned in painstakingly slowly, feeling every detail. Her hands on my back, her breath that had stopped, the corners of her mouth that twitched slightly into the smallest of smiles, her eyelashes fluttering, her eyes moving from my eyes to my lips and back again. I felt her soft skin beneath my fingers, her hair on my hand. Our eyes closed at the same time, our noses touched and her lips parted slightly. I held my breath, feeling both our hearts beating faster than ever, and I stopped moving. She stood on her tip toes and gently pressed her lips to mine. We both stood frozen for a second, taking in this moment. Her lips were soft and warm. I moved my lips cautiously against hers and she joined me and we were kissing for the first time.

Her lips parted and so did mine. I moved my hand on the back of her neck, keeping her close to me, tasting her. I felt her biting my bottom lip gently and fireworks exploded inside of me, giving me a feeling of love and affection I had never felt before. I let my tongue run slowly across her lips, as if asking for permission. She opened her mouth and gladly took me in, running her hand up my back and sending shivers down my spine. More fireworks went off when our tongues touched and slowly moved and danced together, making the kiss passionate and loving. A cold but gentle breeze began blowing and we hugged even closer. I stroke her back and she ran her hands through my hair as our tongues fought for dominance. She rubbed her body against mine and I gave in, feeling her tongue exploring my mouth. The breeze had become wind and the cold air came as a relief, cooling our hot bodies. The kiss grew more and more passionate, it even became naughty when I felt her fingers slipping under my t-shirt and stroking the skin of my back just above my jeans and I rubbed my body against her in response. She dug her nails in slightly and I lost it.

I grabbed her waist, picked her up and pushed her back against the bus. She threw her legs around my waist almost immediately for support and wrapped her arms around my neck. We made out under the moonlight, and as seconds went by, the kiss became more passionate, our breath shorter, our bodies hotter. She hugged me, trying to pull me even closer, and I rubbed myself against her again, causing a moan to escape her lips. I felt the sound vibrating in the kiss and it did nothing but excite me even more.

I broke the kiss and attacked her neck, kissing her soft skin. Her hands grabbed my back and she tensed up.


The sound of her voice calling my name made me feel like I was in control now. I growled and felt her up, sucking on the skin of her neck, leaving a slight bruise.

“Oh…” she moaned.

I murmured against her skin, “I’ve been waiting so long, baby…”

Her breath was heavy, but she hissed, “Let’s get inside the bus.”