Status: Ongoing :)

I Can Keep a Secret If You Can Keep Me Guessing

Boy, You Give Me Butterflies.

My breath quickened as I felt my cheeks flush, going scarlet, making a total arsehole of myself. As per usual. I told myself to get a grip, I tried taking deep breaths, because if I didn’t speak now the ground was going to eat me. Or wait, was that the better option? I considered the likelihood of both my options in my head. But something in my subconscious was just telling me to go for it. No one knew me here, what was there to be afraid of? Before I had time to say anything a voice snapped me into reality. “Uhm, hi? Who are you? This is our screen, what’s going on?”, the questions were asked to me by a young looking baby faced boy, who was slightly taller than me. He had lots of freckles scattered all over his face, mainly by his nose. He looked at me, his piercing blue eyes making me suddenly feel cold all over, like I was being inspected. What got my attention most was the flame red hair protruding out of his almost too white skin on the top of his head. He looked at me, expecting an answer. I shook my head trying to get myself to speak, the two boys had stopped fighting now, putting their brushes down giving me my full attention. “Hey, my name’s Allie… And I’m new here, and I’m not really sure what I was supposed to be doing…” I stumbled upon my words not being able to make sense of anything coming out of my mouth, I just hoped it made sense. I started again, feeling slightly more confident and a little cocky, “…Christina, yeah. She told me to come help you guys? She said something about you guys being easily distracted? And that you’d need my help…” I stuck my tongue out at the two boys laughing a little, the red haired boy smiled at me and said, “ That’s true we are. Oh well I’m Ronnie, this here,” he pushed the other boy forward a little “Is Chris, now if you want you can clean up, I’m going to fuck my boyfriend.” He winked at me and laughed, jumping on the other boys shoulders. Chris didn’t expect it, he stumbled backwards a little, then grabbed around Ronnie’s waist, and he started to jump up and down a little. He nodded at me, as his own way of saying hi. Laughing. His laugh was incredible, it gave me goose bumps, and it was infectious too. I started laughing, finally at ease with what I hoped would be new friends. It didn’t last long as I became extremely self-conscious about my appearance, I stopped laughing and tried to cool off my harshly burning cheeks.

I moved into the middle of the room and pushed the seat down, chuckling to myself. I rested my legs on top of the seat in front of me. The two boys looked shocked at the comfort I felt around them already. They laughed at each other and untangled themselves from their messy intertwining bodies. They sauntered over to me sitting in the seats in front of me, moving my legs as they sat down. I frowned momentarily, before looking up and smiling back at the face already smiling at me. Yeah, I could get used to this. Chris sat down in the seat straight in front of me. His eyes intently looking into my own as if he was trying to search for something deep inside me. He had the most amazing big brown eyes, they made me forget where I was, my name, his name, my age, my life. They made me happy, they smiled even when he didn’t. They were beautiful, they were breath taking. They would never be captured in photos or in words the same as seeing them in real life. I knew then they would be able to do a lot of damage when he worked out the things he could make me do when he just looked at me. Until then it’d be my secret. I was so distracted I almost forgot to breathe, when I realized this I took a massive mouthful of air and laughed silently. Focusing my eyes on a small mark on the carpet. After what felt like an eternity I looked up again, seeing his eyes meet mine for the second time. He leaned in closer to me and whispered “Hi..” into my ear, pulling back and winking at me. My heart stopped and a wave of goose bumps washed over me. His voice was deep and tempting, the word smoothly rolling off his tongue, making my heart flutter. I had never felt like this before.

Yeah, I could definitely get used to this.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay so this is a little shorter but yeah. it's really hard for me to write cause i don't really remember much in detail so when it comes back to me i try write it as quick as i can, three years is a long time to recall back to a shitty cinema job (':

Title Credit - Alana Lee Hamilton - Butterflies ♥