Status: Leggooo!

The Core

"Palimea must go," Zorac said, smashing his fist, drawing attention to the blood red markings that swirled around his knuckles. "It is too powerful, I will not stand to be overthrown by petty humans. War, what do you think?" he barks, turning his bald head. His marking swirled around his ears and up, scooping downwards to just above his eyes.

War, although his actual name is Anthrax, stood. "Sir," he said, "Palimea will not survive against us. They have nothing superior to our weapons and their strategies, sir, are trivial at best." He saluted and then he sat down, his red markings swirled over the skin where an eye once was.

Zorac's face turned so red that one couldn't see his markings any longer. "Secrets! What do you know," he asked to the girl sitting silently in the corner. She was pale, paler than the rest, with markings that swirled delicately up her arms and neck in elaborate swirls. They faded on her neck for they paled in comparison to her brilliant crystal eyes.

A smirk slid onto her face and she raised those eyes to match Zorac, a thing most didn't dare to do. "Secrets are not secrets, sire, if they are shared," she said calmly before returning her gaze back to the floor.

In a fit of rage, Zorac slammed his fists onto the table again. "Secrets, you are dismissed. I cannot bare to look at you," he spat. With that, she rose and walked out of the golden room. Little did they know, Secrets, although her name was actually Lark, had secrets of her own.

She would not be returning.