Win Win

Chapter Two: Stupid Brothers

“What the fuck Tiergan? This is the second time this month!” Keefe bellows, running down the wooden stairs and stepping into the living room. Tiergan sits there quietly, twiddling his thumbs while I readjust my reading glasses. Keefe can be so melodramatic at times.

“What did he do?” I ask, putting down my pencil and closing up my notebook. A fight like this breaks out almost every day, and since my parents always fly off to random places on “business trips,” I’m stuck to deal with their idiotic dilemmas.

Keefe’s nostrils flare. “Tiergan took money from my wallet again, and I’m pretty sure he used it to buy weed or some shit.”

Tiergan stands up, standing eye to eye with Keefe. They’re both around 6’1’, so they tower over me like I’m a leprechaun. Keefe flips his hair.

Even though they’re twins, Keefe and Tiergan can’t be anymore different. They’re fraternal, if it makes any dissimilarity. Tiergan is technically the older one, born 4 minutes before, which he likes to brag about every so often. He’s bad, oh God, he’s so bad, but my parents don’t really give a damn on what kind of college he goes to, as long as he stays out of their way. It’s really sad, to be honest.

Keefe is the opposite. His criminal record is non-existent and he’s always trendy and into the latest fashions. He attends all there parties hosted by all the people in our highschool that matter, and he’s so freaking likable that I envy him sometimes.

“The ‘some shit’ that you’re talking about is called condoms, for your information dumbass.” Keefe takes a step forward but I step in between them to break it up.

“OK, stop it. Right now.” I turn towards Keefe.

“I’ll give you the money he owes you, Keefey-”

Don’t, willya?” He interrupts.

“Don’t what?” I retort.

He rocks back and forth on his heels. “Don’t call me Keefey, for Chrissakes. You make me feel like I’m two.” In response, I laugh.

“OK, fine, Keefe, I’ll pay you back what Tiergan owes you. How much is it?”


Tiergan scoffs behind me. “Shut up, dip-shit. I only took $20.”

I gently reach into my pocket, feeling my brothers’ eyes resting on my pale hand. I take out $20 and shove it in front of Keefe. “Take it and go upstairs.” He snatches it out of my hand and runs back up, humming a Lady Gaga song in the process.

Tiergan pokes me in the back. “It must be hard putting up with us, isn’t it?” He tries to joke. He’s only doing it so that I don’t confront him about the condoms, so I do.

“You’re disgusting, T. Who did you fuck?”

Tiergan rolls his eyes. “Just some random girls at a party I went to. I mean, it’s not a big deal, I don’t understand why you-”

“It’s a big deal because you go to church every Sunday!” Again, another scoff received from Tiergan.

“Oh please, Finny, don’t pull that God crap on me. I’m a big boy, I think for myself.” He awkwardly pats me on the shoulder and grabs his jacket.

“Where are you going?” I yell after him, following him to the door.

“Out.” He mumbles. And with that, Tiergan slams the door in my face.

I rest my head against the doorframe, looking out and making sure that he gets into his car safely. He does, and drives off without even offering a glance in my direction.

Oh, the things I do for these boys.


My phone rings while I’m making Mac & Cheese.

I glance at the Caller ID, and I immediately pick it up.

“Lani!” I yell into the phone. I hear her laugh at the other end.

“How’s Buffalo my darling?” I say.

“It’s cold, Finn. Goddamnit it’s cold. I wish I was still with you in Jersey, you know? Hot guys here though, can’t say no to that.”

Keefe jabs me in the shoulder to speed the Mac & Cheese up. I hold up my pointer finger for him to wait.

“So, any luck with Addison?” She asks. I shake my head and realize she can’t see me.

“Nope, nada, nothing. I’m as introverted as one can be, remember? I barely have any guts to raise my hand and ask to go to the bathroom.” Not true. I have the guts to tell Willem Lombardi that he’s a mistake to humanity. And the guts to strike a deal with him.

“Well, I think that guys like shy girls. I miss your shyness.”

I sadly smile, continuing to stir pasta. Lani, my best friend of 5 years, moved to Buffalo recently, leaving me to fend for myself and wag my tongue out at Addison alone.

Keefe grabs the phone out of my hands and puts it to his ear. “Lani, she’s making me food right now so she’s got to go. Goodbye.” He hangs up and puts my phone on the counter.

“You’re so rude.” I mumble.

Keefe kisses me on the cheek. “I know. It’s my nature Finn. I’m surprised you haven’t realized that.” I laugh and scoop some of the pasta into a bowl and give it to him.

“You really put up with a lot, don’t you?” He states, pulling a chair out from the island and smiling up at me.

I decide not to answer and just grin back.

“Eat your food Keefey.”
♠ ♠ ♠

I honestly don't know.

So I know that this chapter was a bit of a snoozefest, but I just needed to put some background on the bros so you're not all like "wha?" throughout the story.

Comment and I will dance around with Charlie the Unicorn.