The Not Too Normal Life of a Teenager

"What Are You Laughing At?"

'Saph, it's Cass. Look, please pick up the phone babe. I'm really sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to...'

Sapphire pressed delete once again on her mobile. This was now the tenth voice mail message Cassie had left, apologising for 'The Event' in which she chucked Sapphire out onto the street, leaving her to find a place to stay and not knowing whether she wanted her to return or not, a few hours earlier.

Sapphire clearly wasn't interested, as she had now arrived at Tom's not too much bachelor pad, with him still grinning from ear to ear, at the thought of them two being alone together and further more, spending the night together, so Cassie was the furthest thing from her find right now, and so she should be.

"That her again babe?"


"So how many's that then?"

"Um, I think that's the tenth."

Sapphire checked her phone, just to make sure that it was in fact the tenth message that Cassie had left today, and then reassured herself by saying,

"Yeah, ten."

"So, what did she want this time?"

"Don't know. I haven't listened to any of them."

"What? None of them. Why not?"

"Because, it's obvious that she's got nothing pleasant to say, and if all she's going to be doing is lashing out in anger at me, after everything I've done for her, then I don't want to hear it, ok!?"

Tom slowly moved over to Sapphire, and sat behind her on the couch, placing both his hands firmly on her shoulders and began to massage her, trying to relax her and not completely erase the thoughts about the whole Cassie situation from her head.

"Ok, ok. Babe look, just chill yeah? Everything will be fine. If you remember rightly you and Cassie fall out all the time. I mean, this is normal for you two."

"Yeah well, she's overstepped the mark this time. I'm sick to death of being a layover! Thinking she can just say whatever the hell she wants to me and then just think I will forget about it and everything will be fine and dandy. Well from now on, she can, she can just think again!"

"Ok, I guess you're right, but I can't disagree with her on that one."


A frustrated and angry Sapphire turned to look at Tom, now piercing his eyes through her daggers, which were being violently thrown at him from just a few meters away, which made Tom stop and think about the statement that he had just said to Sapphire, and wishing that he hadn't. Made clear that the statement was totally inappropriate by Sapphire's dagger eyes, Tom tried to rephrase it.

"Um, what I meant was, you're not a layover! Of course you're not babe! She doesn't know what she's talkin' about babe."

"Yeah, that's what I thought you said."

Sapphire removed her dagger eyes from Tom's glance and gave him a flirty yet sarcastic look as she raised her eyebrows, making Tom look back at her, flashing her his sexiest smile and leaning his body over to her, placing a small yet gentle kiss on the corner of her mouth.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Everything. For not chucking me out when I was going on and on about Cassie."

"Of course. I'd never do that to you. I love you remember, and plus, if I sent you home I wouldn't be able to get into your pants now would I?"

Sapphire once again raised her eyebrows towards Tom, biting her lip and giving him the same look as before, waiting patiently for her apology. Tom closed his eyes and shook his head, knowing that he had said the wrong thing, and started to talk hoping that that would be the last stupid and idiotic thing he would say all day, as all he really just wanted to do was to charm Sapphire, but his mouth and brain were finding it quite hard to take orders from him and to follow his instructions at this exact moment in time.

"God, I'm so sorry Saph. I don't know what's gotten into me lately. I don't wanna get into your pants at all, well, I do but, oh you know, maybe I should just shut up."

Sapphire laughed hysterically as Tom said this. She found it so funny, the way he was acting around like such a prat in front of her, when she knew him to be such a cool, laid back guy, and she hadn't the slightest clue what had gotten into him, and like he just said, neither did he.

"Yeah, maybe you should." Sapphire said in hysterics, trying to calm herself down, whilst gently wiping the joyful tears away from her eyes with her finger.

Tom took one look at Sapphire and started to chuckle himself, asking her what on earth it was that she found so funny.

"What? What is it? What are you laughing at? Saph, come on, what is it?!"

Sapphire continued to giggle hysterically, as she couldn't find a way to calm herself down and answer his question. Tom was still giggling along with her, as he continued to question her. By now, Tom really was longing for an answer from Sapphire, as he found it quite irritating and a little patronizing that Sapphire was laughing at him. His patience was dramatically lowering and the tone of his voice soon started to get louder and much more serious.

"Right ok Saph, that's it now yeah? Joke's over. Hello? Saph!?"

As much as she tried to stop herself, Sapphire just couldn't stop laughing. She was uncontrollably giggling like a little girl and really needed to stop, as she complained that her sides were hurting.

"Ow, ow, stop Tom, please stop it."

"Saph, I'm not doing anything. Would you please just cut it out."

Tom's serious and angry tone continued as he said this to Sapphire, making him more and more angry as she continued not to explain the reason in which she was laughing at him.