
It's our time now to make this work second time round

He saw her walking into that bar. That was the bar where he met her for the first time. That was the bar where he started a friendship with her. That was the bar where he asked her for their first romantic date. That was the bar where they spent most of their time together. That was the bar they went to after a long break, after a tiring fight which used to be rarely happened. That bar was also where she decided to leave him, after being tired of their last fight. That bar keeps all of their memories together and it’ll always be like that.


Two months after breaking up, they met again in that bar, both of them looked tired but they weren’t as messy as how they were when the last fight happened. The boy threw a simple sheepish smile to her who was looking at him. He decided it was a good time to start a conversation and fix what should be fixed. He was tired of thinking how sorry he was for what he had done to her. He was tired of being afraid he’d get another angry yell from her. He had waited for the right time to talk with her and finally, the time had come.

`Hey,` he greeted. `Are you alone?`

`Uh-huh,` she simply answered. `What do you want?`

`Just talk,` her shot question almost made him canceling his plan, but as he took a deep breathe, he made sure what he was doing was right and he had to keep going on. `May I?`

`Sure,` said her as she motioned him to sit on her opposite. `What do you want to talk about?`

`Us,` he simply answered, looking at her eyes deeply. `Maybe you’ve heard this for many times. Maybe you’re tired of hearing me telling you sorry. But I mean it, Caitlyn. I’m really sorry for everything.`

Caitlyn looked at him with a plain face. This time, she made sure her heart wouldn’t be melted again. She’s not going to let him take her as his girlfriend again. She was tired of his bullshit words and all their fights when they’re together. She was tired of him.

`I’m not going to ask you again, I’m sure you’re tired of me and my bullshits. I just want us to be civil to each other,` he said after a long awkward moment between them. He let out a long sigh, not knowing anything more to say. He looked at him shyly, wondering what would she said, or even, if she would respond him.

`Okay.` She said after 5 minutes being silent. `I gotta go, Alex. I’ll see you later.` She took her purse and went out from the bar.

`Caitlyn, wait! Are we friends now?` He shouted once Caitlyn almost walked out from the bar. She turned to see her ex-boyfriend and smiled to him. Even though she then immediately made her way out, he couldn’t be happier. He grinned widely as he paid for his last drink that night and left the bar.

Alexander William Gaskarth and Caitlyn Rose Johnson have been friends for a year as then they became a couple for three years. As so many things happened between them, they sometimes decided to have a break so both of them could get away for a while to clear their mind. That happened like three or four times, always caused by same problem. This time, they finally gave that up. They decided that they’re better to not being together.

After Alex told Caitlyn that he wanted to be civil with her, everything seemed alright around both of them. They still talked when they met at their bar, they still shared stories they had. They started to move on as Caitlyn brought a nice boy to the bar right three months after that. His name was Kennedy Brock and Alex seemed fine with him. They talked about things they have in common, especially about music business and tours since they both could be defined as a rock star. It honestly made Caitlyn happy how Alex didn’t have a problem with her having a new boyfriend. She was happy to know they’re friends. Even after that, Alex came to her with a new girl—seemed like he had a crush on her. She was beyond happy how they’re fine with everything around them.


~A year later~



`May I sit here?`


`How are you?`

`Not that bad. Thanks.`

He glanced at her as he ordered a drink. She still looked the same as the last time he met her before tour about a year and half ago. But this time, he could see she was trying to hide something, like she was trying to show her own self that she was okay with her life. He knew exactly what happened to her, but he didn’t know if it’s fine to talk with her this time.

`Caitlyn,` he decided to make a conversation. `Are you okay?`

`Yeah, I’m totally fine.` She answered, not looking at him. She drank her beverage just to avoid an eye contact with her ex-boyfriend.

`Caitlyn,` he called her again. He took a deep breath before continuing his words, `I miss you.`

This time, Caitlyn turned to see him. She’s still pretty as the last time they saw each other. But sadly, he didn't see that sparkles in her eyes every time they looked at each other in the eyes. She didn’t say anything but her eyes scanned his face. She didn’t understand why he said that out of sudden. Both of them were moving on with their own life, they had have found someone other who might give much better. Why would he come back to her?

`I meant it, Kate,` He said. Sad-yet-innocent look was all over his face.

`What do you want?` She finally asked.

Alex looked up to her eyes again, telling his own self that he was doing something right. He had have kept this thing for months and he needed to take that out from his self, he needed to tell her what’s happened to him and what he wanted.

`Alex?` She called him, waking him up from his own mind. `If there’s nothing you wanna talk about, I’ll go now.`

`Where are you going?`

`Why would you care?`

`Because,` he stopped, swallowing again. `Because you’re all that mattered to me.`

Caitlyn didn’t say anything. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. She didn’t know how to react. Alex looked at her and showed her a warm smile. She was just going to leave him as he held her hand and made her stay.

`I know you broke up with him. I’m sorry to know that. But that’s why I’m here again, talking to you. I… I want another chance with you.` Alex said in a low tone, it’s almost hard for Caitlyn to get what he was saying. She was shocked, though, as she didn’t believe he knew about her relationship with Kennedy and how he’s asking her for another chance.

`You have a girlfriend.` Caitlyn finally said. She had a plain tone on her voice followed by plain expression on her face.

`Not anymore,` Alex smiled sadly. `I’ve tried to find someone after I broke up with you. But it’s hard since I just couldn't stop thinking about you. Then there were some girls I thought they’d give me something just like you did. But it’s just different. All I saw on them was your figure, and they’re not as kind, as sweet, as lovely as you are. I need you Caitlyn, I need you to love me again.`

`We’ve tried to keep our relationship, but it didn’t work, remember?` She said slowly. She has some doubts on her words, Alex could tense that.

`Trust me, we’ll make it this time,` Alex said as he squeezed her hand.

`Don’t say that again. You've said that for so many times.` Caitlyn argued. `Stop thinking about me and go on with your life, Alex. Don’t ever think about me again because it’s just meaningless. We’re not meant to be together.`

`What meaningless is that I keep thinking about you without even trying to get you back. I don’t want what I’m doing to be meaningless. That’s why I’m here right now.`

There was a long silence between them. Alex released Caitlyn’s hand as he looked down, praying that the luck’s on his side. He then glanced at her who was squeezing her own hand, touching a silver bracelet on her hand. Alex couldn’t help but smiling to see the bracelet. It was his gift on their first year anniversary.

`You still keep that bracelet,` Alex got a little more confidence in his voice.

`You told me to not put it off,` she tried to make an excuse.

`Why would you care?` He now grinned. `I love you, Caitlyn Rose. I’m sorry for everything, but will you take another chance with me?`

She didn’t answer him but glancing up to look at his deep brown eyes. There were only honest that she saw. Caitlyn closed her eyes and let her head had a mental fight with her feelings. As much as her head told her to not going back to him, she couldn’t deny that missing feeling of being together with Alex. He was the only person who understood her, he was the only one who always kept trying to do his best for her and even though he failed for many times, he never stopped even just once. Alex was the only person who could make Caitlyn as happy as being in a paradise. Alex was her only one and she wanted him back.

But sadly, something in her mind told her to not listening to her heart.

Didn’t she remember how Alex had hurt her with his attitude when he was drunk? Didn’t she remember how Alex would just spit on her if she told him something he didn’t like? Yes, Alex was harsh and harsher when he was wasted. Alex was a stubborn and spoiled like a kiddo as he always wanted his wills to be happened. He definitely didn’t deserve another change.

Caitlyn opened her eyes and saw Alex was still standing there, waiting for her answer. She had made a decision—she didn’t really like it, but she thought it was the best decision for this time. Her eyes went to stare Alex’s beautiful brown eyes as she closed them and sighed deeply.

`Sorry,` she mumbled. Caitlyn took his hand and squeezed it before she turned around and walked away to the bar’s front door.

`Caitlyn!` Alex called her, didn’t believe on his ears of what he just heard. He ran to the door and caught her right in front of the bar. Alex couldn’t help but wrap his arms around her, not letting her go anywhere. Caitlyn didn’t even try to let go, she stood there in silence, feeling how warm it was being wrapped by Alex’s arms.

`Let me go, Alex,` she told him finally.

`No,` said him as he kept wrapping his arms. `I want you, I’ll never let you go away from me ever again.`

`Alex,` she called, slowly releasing her body from Alex’s arms. `Stop being stubborn and selfish. I just broke up, I need time to be on my own.` She sighed.

Alex didn’t answer her. He didn’t try to catch her again; he even didn’t try to touch any parts of her body. He stood there frozen, didn't know what to do and didn’t know what to say. His head was down; he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before exhaling slowly.

`I’m sorry, again.`

`It’s okay. Can you promise me you’ll give me some time before we talk again?` She asked making him looked up with a confused expression.

`Are we going to talk again?` He asked back.

`Uhm, I actually don’t know. I need to clear my head for a while,` she answered. He kept looking at her as then she showed him her famous reassuring smile, telling him that everything would be just fine.

Out of sudden, Alex got a good feeling. He told himself he was doing the right thing. As much as he felt confident, Alex took a step forward to Caitlyn and caressed her cheek. He then leaned down and kissed her lips.

`I’ll be waiting for you, even if it’d be years or decades or centuries. I’ll be waiting for you, Caitlyn.`

`I’ll see you later, Alexander.` She pulled him to his embrace before walking away, leaving him smiling alone in front of their bar.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have this story on my mind for almost 2 months and I finally could write it down. I should thank my friend Amelia and Arum for helping me with the plot and story finishing :)
What do you think? Please give me some feedbacks :D

- Vany