Status: Comments would be much obliged.

I Am Still Painting Flowers for You


"Jack Bassam Barakat! You give that little girl her toy back now!" Joyce Barakat screamed at her eight year old son who was pushing away a little girl with choppy hair who was trying desperately to get her toy back without having her baseball cap fall off.
"But mommy! It's a cool truck and I want it!" Jack shoved the little girl off and jumped to his feet, running to hide behind his mom.
"Jack Bassam Barakat, give me that!" Joyce took away the toy and handed it to the little girl whose cheeks were puffed out and red. She took it and murmured a thank you before retreating back to the sandlot. Jack scoffed and waited until his mom left to go back to where the girl was smashing her truck repeatedly into another toy car she had.
"You! Hey you!" Jack kicked sand onto her but she still didn't bother to turn in his direction.
"I have a name you idiot." Jack fell to his knees and looked at her.
"Well, what is it then?"
"Makena Rae." Jack looked at her take out another car from her pockets before she continued to slam them repeatedly against each other.
"I'm Jack."
"Yeah, I got that when your mommy was yelling at you." Makena Rae said as she rolled her eyes at Jack.
"Yeah, sorry about that. I just really like your toys. I've never met a girl who liked the same toys as me."
"You could have just asked me if I would allow you to play with me. I would've said yes."
"Well, can I play with you?" Makena Rae looked up for the first time and noticed Jack's big round eyes practically pleading her to say yes.
"Sure, but you're using the smaller ones." Makena Rae smiled as she threw the two small cars at Jack who eagerly took them.

Sixth grade.

"Jack, we're going to be late to school you idiot!" Makena Rae said as she threw her backpack against her best friend who was still lying in bed.
"Rae, is it really important to go to school today?"
"Yes! Considering it is our first day as middle schoolers Jack! Aren't you excited?" Jack groaned which was his answer to Makena Rae's question.
"Jack!" She dragged out the 'A' as she turned around and started pulling clothes out from his drawers.
"Fine, fine! I'm up." Jack got up and pushed Makena Rae away from his drawers and grabbed clothes he could easily slip into.
Once they were outside, they raced to their destined bus stop just in time when the bus stop came to a halt at the corner. Jack and Makena made their way to the back of the bus seeing that it was nearly empty since they were the second bus stop. Jack jumped up and down his seat as Makena Rae giggled uncontrollably next to him. Six bus stops later, they were finally at their new school. Jack ran after Makena Rae who was already making her way inside the building. He nearly ran into her as soon as he came into the building since she was just standing there, mesmerized by how big the place was. Makena grabbed Jack's hand which she always did when she was nervous or when she was trying to comfort him. Right now, Jack couldn't tell whether the gesture was towards him or for her own comfort. Jack pulled her hand towards the main office where they got their schedules. They both eagerly glanced back and forth between the two sheets and frowned in disappointment.
"We only have 3 classes together." Makena Rae pointed out, shaking her head in frustration. Her tomboy features making her seem a little less girly than the girls Jack was now glancing at. The girls he stared at were snickering at how Makena Rae was dressed. Her overalls covering her plaid shirt and the way they were rolled up revealing the beat up converses she always wore. Jack glanced away from the sneering faces of the girls to look at Makena Rae who was still complaining how all of this was a mistake.
"Rae, our schedules are final. I'll just see you at the periods we have together." Jack smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. Makena still didn't look up just as the tardy bell began to ring.
"I gotta go find first period Makena Rae!" Jack quickly pressed a kiss to her cheek, something he never did and ran to his first class still wondering why he even did that little gesture in the first place.

Seventh grade.

Jack sat down next to Makena Rae at lunch. She picked at the food they said was edible at lunch just as Jack threw her his lunch and grabbed her tray.
"Mom made grilled marshmallow and strawberry sandwich for lunch and she threw in Doritos and a bottle of water. Your favorite." Makena Rae smiled and took out the sandwich his mom specifically made for her.
"Yum, your mom literally loves me more than she loves you."
"I'm not even arguing with you on that one. Oh hey Alex, come here!" Jack hollered at this boy with dirty brown hair was awkwardly standing in the middle of the cafeteria with his tray in his hand. Alex sat down next to Jack and smiled cheekily at Makena Rae.
"Alex, this is my best friend Makena Rae; Makena Rae this is Alex. He just moved here from England with his family. He's British just like you!"
"Nice to meet you Makena Rae." Alex said while putting a forkful of rice and chicken into his mouth.
"You don't have an accent considering you just moved here?"
"Makena Rae, stop being such an ass."
"I was just wondering Jack sheesh."
"It's okay Jack, and I've been used to talking in an American accent since I used to watch American shows back in England. I can still see you have an accent." Makena Rae nodded as she popped a Dorito into her mouth.
"That's cool."
"Alex, Makena Rae and I are having a sleepover this Friday, wanna come over?" Alex nodded vigorously in enthusiasm that Makena Rae thought he was going to loose his head if he continued.

Eighth grade.

Alex, Jack and Makena Rae were laying on the floor of Makena Rae's basement. It was a cold November day and it was Thanksgiving break and Alex, Jack and Makena Rae had nothing to do since they got off early today.
"Makena Rae, would you please come up here?" Yelled Makena Rae's mom from the top of the staircase. Makena Rae got up and ran up the stairs to find both of her parents sitting at the kitchen table, patiently waiting for her.
"Is there a reason why we're I'm up here?"
"Yes, sweetie take a seat." Makena Rae reluctantly took a seat in front of her parents. She swung her feet back and pushed her choppy hair that she always had back behind her ear.
"Sweetheart," Her mother said softly, "We're moving in two days." Makena Rae shook her head and began to laugh.
"Mom, you're funny. Okay, I'm going back downstairs." As Makena Rae began to stand up, her father pointed his finger down to the seat, indicating she should sit back down.
"You're not serious are you?"
"Sweetie, your mother and I found new jobs in Virginia. We have to move down their and you'll be closer to your aunt and she'll love being able to spend more time with you."
"I don't want to move mom and dad! Jack and Alex are my best friends and we just can't leave!" Makena heard footsteps come up the steps and she knew it was Alex and Jack trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.
"Don't I have some say in any of this?"
"Unfortunately honey, you don't. The movers are coming tomorrow. You should go start packing."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh hey, I wrote a new story! Well yeah. I guess that's it.
Comments would be nice <3