Pool of Emotion

Plane Ride

I sulked in my seat, arms crossed in front of me like a child as my traitor of a mother brought me my plane ticket. I didn't understand why she thought it was best for me to leave. To go to a place that I hadn't been in over 10 years, away from my friends, the only people that I could relate to, my pack.

She sighed as she read my rebelous expression upon seeing the ticket, "You know it's for your own good Kat."

"You mean for your own good." I growled, "So that you don't have to deal with me anymore."

"You know thats not true." She said with patience, "The way you've been acting...it's not right. I think that maybe you could benifit from being around family more."

I glared at her, "If you had been there when it happened then you would act the same way. Instead of just shipping off your problem, why not try to fix it?" I challenged.

"Katerina Black, drop your attitude right now." She snapped, patience disappearing in a flash, "You're acting as if it's my fault that he is gone. I miss him too you know."

I looked away grumbling. I knew it wasn't her fault, it was mine. I blamed myself completely. I could have stopped it if I had tried. But I didn't. I could never forgive myself.

I've been sulking around the house, doing absolutely nothing for five months now. So my mom had had enough, and was sending me to live with her brother, Charlie Swan, and my cousin Bella. Apparently she thought that they could help, but I knew better. Though, I did look forward to seeing Bella again, something that I would never admit to my mom.

As my plane was called, I mummbled a quick goodbye and departed without a backwards glance. I knew that I was being unfare to her, but I couldn't help the rage that I felt for her sending me away.

The plane was super crowded. I felt almost clausterfobic, pressed up against complete strangers. I could feel the wolf in me pasing back and forth warily, her hackles raising. Of course, there was no chance of me shifting, I hadn't been able to shift ever since my dad died, five months ago.

It took hours to get from texas to seattle, where Charlie was supposed to pick me up. By the time we landed, I was in a worse mood than I was before, and just wanted to curl up somewhere and sleep.

I quickly found charlie. I didn't think that I would recognize him, since I hadn't seen him since I was 7, but he hadn't changed at all.

"Kat!" He called. I was surprised that he remember that I prefer to be called that over Katerina. Mom must have reminded him.

"Uncle Charlie." I greeted with a soft smile, "You haven't changed a bit."

"You sure have though!" He said with a smile as we walked out to his police cruser.

"How has uncle Billy and Jacob been?" I asked. Billy was my dads one year older brother.

"Good good." he responded as we drove off, "Still a little down from...you know...but nothing can keep Jacob down for long, Billy has him to keep him cheerfull."

I just nodded and we lasped into a comfortable silence.

The drive took a bit longer than I thought, but soon we arrived at Charlies three bedroom house. A really old, rusted pick-up truck sat in the driveway, looking rather lonely.

"My baby hasn't arrived yet?" I asked.

"Your car? No, it's suppose to get here no later than tomorrow afternoon." He responded, "but if you wanna see the town, to get used to it again, I'm sure Bella would be more than happy to take you for a ride."

"Oh that's fine, I really just want to sleep. It wasn't a very pleasant plane ride." I answered.

"Of course. Well then we will help you get settled, and then you can sleep. We got your room all set up for you."

"Thank you Charlie." I sighed tiredly.

Then suddenly, the front door burst open and a brown haird, brown eyed girl crashed into me, her arms around me tight.

I moved back slight as she ran into me, otherwise it would have been like running into a brick wall for her. It probably still hurt, just a little less than it would have.

"Bella!" I laughed and hugged her tightly back.

"It's been forever Kitty!" She exclaimed, calling me the nickname that her 7 year old self had made up, it had stuck, apparently.

Bella and I had always been good friends. We talked on the phone at least once a week ever since we were 7 and my family had moved away from Forks. We were almost exactly the same age. I was just a week older.

"Well, I'll be inside." Charlie said awkwardly, and caried my stuff inside.

"It'll be nice having someone go to school with me that I know. It's been hell." Bella admitted.

"You've been here a week and you haven't made friends?" I asked.

"Well," she looked down, "A few, but I couldn't really call them friends."

I sighed and drapped my arm around her shoulders, my 5'9 height making her look even shorter than her 5'5 height.

"I don't remember you being so tall. And warm." She muttered, shifting uncomfortably under my rather heated arm.

I just laughed and we continued in.

Instead of going to sleep, like I had planed, Bella helped me unpack everything, and then we stayed up all night talking about everything. Which I didn't mind. It was the weekend after all. School didn't start until monday for me.

"So you think him not coming to school is because of you?" I asked. We were talking about a guy named Edward.

She nodded, "He just...reallllllly seemed to hate me. And ever since that day, he hasn't come to school."

I shook my head, "It has to just be a coincidence. No one hates someone so much that they just stop coming to school by just looking at that person."

She sighed and looked away, "I just get this awful feeling that it is because of me. It's a feeling that I can't shake."

I reasted my head on her shoulder, "Just don't worry about it lovely. What goes on in other peoples' heads will forever be a mistery to us. Especially a guys head."