Pool of Emotion


My next class I had with Jasper. I hoped and prayed that I was seated anywhere but next to him. But god really hated me for some odd reason. I sat right next to him.

"I don't trust you." he said half way through the lesson.

"The feeling is mutual." I relpied, even though I was told that he could read emotions so he probably already knew that.

"I don't like you." Did he really have to make that clear? I could kind of tell.

"You don't even know me." I responded.

"What's there to know? You obviously hunt vampires like some witch hunter in old Salem." He said, never taking his eyes off of the teacher.

I snorted, "If that is what you want to believe."

"You have to. That's the only explanation for you having so many teeth marks on your skin."

I rolled my eyes, "They came from just one vampire, if you must know."

"humph." was all he said in response.

That class seemed to go by agonizingly slow, strengthening my belief that god truely did hate me. When the bell finally rang, I dashed out of that room and on to the next, willing the rest of the day to go by quickly.

The rest of the week went by rather quickly, most of it involved Jasper and I throwing insults at each other, but now the weekend had finally arrived. Bella had made plans to go with some friends to Seattle to shop for dresses. I felt bad for her, she hated shopping, but I felt as if she had alternitive motives for wanted to go. I didn't question her.

I had plans to go shopping with Alice, and she didn't complain once about my excessive speed while I drove.

We shopped for hours, from noon until the sun went down. Well, I think it went down anyway, the clouds were too thick to tell. and then we went to the Cullen residence, which was HUGE, and very light looking.

She drug me inside and introduced me to her parents. They were very nice and welcoming, Esme even made me a plate of cookies. I fell in love with her instantly. Cookies were definitely the gateway to my heart.

But then Jasper just had to emerge from the shadows.

"You brought it here?" He said with a sneer.

"Jasper!" Esme chided, "She is our gest."

"It's so nice to see you again Jasper. How is your weekend faring?" I said as politely as I could, just to annoy him. I smiled when I saw his scowl.

"Fine, until now." He snarled and went upstairs, to my amusment.

"They don't see eye to eye." Alice explained to a very confused Carlisle and Esme.

"Kat! Wanna check out our garage? You said you like jeeps right?" Emmett asked.

"You like cars?" Rosalie asked, looking at me with a little more interest than she usually showed.

"I do. I rebuilt my Supra my self."

"Awesome." She said and pulled me into the garage where we tinkered around with their cars for a long while.

"It took me a while to get some of the parts," she was telling me, "they don't make them here.."

"Oh hold on a minute Rose, my phone is ringing." I intrupted to see who was calling.

I looked at it in confusion before answering, "Bella?"

"Kat? I'm lost." She said in a frightened voice.

"What do you mean you're lost?" I asked starting to worry.

"I took a wrong turn and now I'm in some storage area...and I think there is a group of guys following me." She whispered.

I stiffened, "Do you have the spray Charlie gave you?" I said seriously, by then everyone in the house was in the garage, even Jasper.

"Yes, but there are so many of them."

I growled in frustration, not caring if Bella heared. "Run Bella."

I could tell that she listened, I could hear her gasping for breath, I could also hear the footsteps behind her getting closer.

"There gonna catch her." I said helplessly, to no one in particular. Alice had her eyes closed, trying to see what was happening and Carlisle was on the phone with who I guess was Edward. I was wondering where he was.

I heard Bella scream for them to leave her alone, then squealing tires and Edwards voice telling her to get in, and the phone went dead.

I dropped to my knees in relief. I hadn't felt so helpless since I watched my dad die.

Pain suddenly raced through me, making me realise that I was shaking badly. My whole body was under stress, wanting to shift, to help ease the pain, but I couldn't, and it just made the pain worse. I was practically vibrating, and I was barely aware of the Cullens trying to calm me down, they were scared I was going to shift. They didn't understand that that couldn't happen and because that couldn't happen, my bones were going to snap.

This had only happened one other time, and it took days to recover.

I could feel the pressure on my bones from not being able to shift. They wanted so badly to change forms. I felt the first one snap, a rib, and my pain doubled. Tears slipped down my cheeks, images my my fathers lifless body flashed through my mind, his blood all over me, all over the ground, his shell bled dry. The pain got worse and worse until I was begging for death. begging for it to end. I was aware of the Cullens panic, not sure what was going one, helpless to help me. Much like I was helpless before.

I felt a bone in my arm give way, and that pain was enough to sent me uncontious.