Pool of Emotion

Up all Night

I left soon after that, wanting to make sure Bella was alright. Appearently she had guessed what the Cullens were after Edward had saved her life.

When I got home, she was waiting up for me in my room, Eddie had called her and told her where I had been and that I was on my way home.

"You knew." was the first words out of her mouth as soon as I opened my bedroom door.

"Excuse me?" I said tiredly, still sore and wornout from my ordeal, even though my bones had healed.

"You knew what the Cullens were the whole time, and you didn't tell me." She said a bit too loud.

I rolled my eyes and answered in an irritated voice, "Calm down miss drama queen."

"Don't you tell me to calm down! Why didn't you tell me? I thought we told each other everything." She yelled.

I heared Charlie grunt and at first I had thought that Bella had woke him up, but soon his snoring continued.

"It wasn't my secret to tell Bella. I tried to warn you. I did tell you to stay away." I said as calmly as I could, I couldn't afford to get worked up again.

"Yeah, and then you go making friends with them! Most of them don't even seem to like me, but you just fall right in with them. Why huh? Why do they like you so much?" She almost seemed on the verge of tears. I had forgotten that she cries when she gets upset.

"Because I'm not human either!" I finally snapped, trying to keep my breathing even, "I told you to stay away so that you wouldn't get hurt, but then I talked to them and realised that they are differnet than others. That they would never hurt you."

She had a dumbfounded look on her face, "What do you mean you're not human? You're not one of them are you?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm nothing like them Bella. I'm a shapeshifter. Or, I used to be. I can't exactly shift anymore."

"Oh." was all she said.

There was a knock at my window suddenly and I went to see who was there, giving Bella an angry stare as I passed her.

Edward jumped through the window seal as soon as I opened it, smiling at me apologetically. "I promised Bella that I would meet her later to explain more."

I just nodded and they left for her room. I still felt tired, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep. So instead I jumped out of my second story window, landing softly on the balls of my feet and took off into the woods. I just needed to be completely alone for a while.

My mom had sent me here to help me heal, but it seemed as if I was doing anything but.

Oddly enough, I found myself walking towards the rez. I always liked it there. The people were nice, it had more sun than forks, and the beach was amazing at night. So that's where I headed.

The La Push beach was completely deserted when I got there, which made since. It was 11:30 at night. Not too many people could handle the cold night air of winter in washington. But I, of course, couldn't feel the cold.

I sat on a log, close to the ocean, and just watched the waves. Sometimes, they would get so big that I could feel the soft spray of water as the crashed back down. It was very peacefull.

"What are you doing here?" A voice said behind me. I looked back to see Jacob standing there in a thick jacket with a confused expression.

I laughed softy, "I needed some me time."

"Oh, I'll just go then."

"No, come join me cousin. Your company is always welcome." I said.

He smiled and sat down next to me.

"So how have you been?" he asked.

I shrugged, "Been better."

He didn't question me, just sat in silence next to me, watching the ocean.

"So what are you doing out here so late?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "This is where I come to relax and think."

"Care to share?" I asked.

"Not at all."

Again, we lapsed into silence, but this time, no one broke it. Eventually Jacob left, maybe around 2 or 3 in the morning when it started to rain, I wasn't sure.

"We do have school tomorrow, you know." He laughed as he walked away, trying to out run the down pour.

I sighed, "I know." But continued to just sit there. letting the rain carress my burning hot skin.

I didn't move again until the sun started to rise around 6ish and I was completely soaked to the bone. It stopped raining as I got up and finally made my way back home. I ran all the way back, hoping to dry off even a little bit.

I knew Charlie would be awake, so I climbed the tree next to Bella's window and lightly tapped on the glass, hoping that she was in her room still.

She opened the window with a shocked expression as I jumped in, getting her floor all wet.

"I'll clean it up after I get ready." I said.

"Were you out all night?" She asked.

"Yes, I just needed to get away." I explained.

"But you could get sick!" She exclaimed.

I laughed, shaking my head, "I can't get sick Bella."

"Wha...Oh." She finally understood.

I quickly left for the shower, dodging her flying questions as I went.

I felt much better after I was clean and in dry clothes again, but I could feel the exhaustion from staying out all night starting to set in. I knew it was going to be a long day.

I drove to school actually going the speed limit, worried that I might fall asleep at the wheel. Edward even passed me on the road, since he was taking Bella to school. I probably should have bummed a ride off of him.

I got there right as the bell rang and made it to class as soon as the tardy bell went off, luckily the teacher didn't seem to notice.

"You look like hell." Emmett muttered as I took my seat next to him.

"Couldn't sleep." I whispered back, my head lowering itself to the desk, seemingly of its own accored.

About 5 minutes later something smacked my desk loud enough to cause an echo in the room and I jumped a good 10 feet into the air.

"There will be no sleeping in my class Miss. Black." The teacher said, then walked off.

"Bitch." I muttered too low for her to hear. Emmett started laughing at me.

"Oh shut it." I grummbled.

When the bell rang I stummbled my way to second hour and fell into my seat rather heavily.

"Rough night?" Alice asked.

Were all of the Cullens going to comment on my appearent lack of sleep? I thought to myself.

"You could say that." I yawned.

When lunch rolled around, Edward and Bella actually joined us at our table. I was so tired, I hadn't even gotten food. Very unlike me.

"Your not going to eat?" Bella commented, "You usually eat enough to feed a small army."

I just shook my head, then lowered it to the table.

"Well that's what you get for not coming home until 6:30 in the morning." She bit.

Me, being in a rather grumpy mood and unable to remove my head from the table, settled for just fliping her off, which recieved laughs from the whole table.

"What were you doing last night anyway?" Rosalie asked.

"Probably galavanting through the forest like a little fairy." Jasper teased, though oddly not in his usual cold way.

I kicked him under the table, causing him to curse and move back out of my range. I smiled, they forget that I'm not human.

"I did, actually, go for a walk in the woods. I went to the La Push beach and sat by the ocean for a while." I relpied to Rosalie, still not lifting my head from the table.

"Kat, you should come over today. Bella is coming over to meet Carlisle and Esme, I'm sure they would love it if you came too. Esme will make you more cookies."Alice baited me with the word cookies, and easily had me hooked. My head snapped up, my mouth watering.

"Sounds good to me." I said brightly, tiredness forgotten at the thought of my favorite food, and Esme made the best cookies, which I found odd considering that she couldn't actually taste them.