Status: Stuck in it :(

Just Another Story

Chapter 3

I cried all night long. All day long. All week long. I decided to change school at end of semester. My dad let me, my mum did as well. My last days, were the worst ones. Everyone told me I was a freak, I was fat, I was horrible, I wasn’t popular, etc. lots of things I couldn’t imagine my friends saying, anyone saying. They blame it on Society when something happens, when they are the first ones to harm people. I haven’t had prom in that school. I said goodbye, though nobody knew I was leaving. They were still joking me.
I’m now locked in my room, listening to random music and watching random videos in Youtube when I find out about this band called Green Day. I bet everyone knows about them. They’re super nice! I fell in love with them. They cheered me up. I couldn’t even remember what had happened to me these days. I made social networks accounts. I started getting to know them, their fans, their main quotes, their jokes, everything.
That’s how I started becoming a fan. I’ve liked them since then. The next week, I got into this new school. One guy, which is really cute stares at me. Does he hate me from now? Please no!
The bell rings, I get out of the room. This guy follows me and stops me from getting away from him.

-“What’s your name? I see you are really pretty” he says. I blush.

-“Mmm... Keira, you? Thanks” I say

-“Zachary. I know you are new. Do you want to come with me to have lunch?” he asks me.

-“Ok, thanks.” I say as he takes my books and carries them into my locker. He’s a gentleman. I feel someone watching us from behind. I don’t pay attention. “Thanks for this, inviting me. I haven’t ever had true friends. Please if our friendship will be fake tell me now, I don’t want to end up crying for anything.” I say. I bet I was kinda crazy.

-“You think I’d like to break you down? You’re new, but you seem very nice. When I see people I recognize wether they’re good or bad people. I know you are good. Something happened to me as well. I had this girlfriend who left me at the end of summer and when she wanted to return, I didn’t want to. She hurted me a lot. Also, I had this friend who used my popularity to find other girls. I bet no-one can be trusted nowadays” he says. OMG he’s like me.

-“I guess we’re similar. You think the same as me about frienships or relationships” I say

-“Then we are meant for each other” he says. I feel important for having someone like him ,as a friend of course. I keep feeling someone watching us. I still don’t care.
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That's all for today. I'd love to update. Maybe on Saturday. Please comment and suscribe