Status: Stuck in it :(

Just Another Story

Chapter 4

Zach’s POV:

I’ve just met this awesome girl. She seems really nice. Her eyes are beautiful as well as her smile. At first I tried to be her friend but failed. I can’t resist myself. I had to flirt with her. She might think I’m desperate. Because I am. I’ve only been with someone when I was in second grade, let me tell you it’s been a long time since then. I remember kissig that girl. I didn’t entirely enojy it but well, I was still young and wanted to try new things. Keira is different from others. I see her in a different way from anybody. I hope she will be mine someday. I’m opening my locker when I see Cameron and Finn who’s with a knife in his hands. He attemps to throw it at Cam.

-“Hey you! Stop doing that!” I say as I punch the Finn on his face
-“Zacharius! I thought we were friends” he says while looking at his bleeding hand. He has a huge cut in there.

-“I thought the same until you did this. You knew Cameron was my best friend, why did you do it to him?” I say as I see Cam lying on the floor with no movement.”SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE”

-“He was a problem for you. Then you will regret this” he says as he runs away

Regret helping him? NO WAY. He’s my best friend. I wouldn’t let him suffer ever. A doctor comes in our way. He takes Cam. I decide to go with him. We get there. I have to wait in a room. 50 minutes later someone calls me.

-“Zacary David Porter, we need to tell you something” the doctor goes

-“What is it?” I ask. I’m afraid of what he might say

-“Your friend has a deep cut but he will be fine in 2 months.” He says. At least he’ll get better.

-“Thanks Lord! Is he prohibited in doing some things?” I ask

-“He mustn’t move his hand at all. He has to get used on using the left hand as the right one has this. Nothing else than that” he says

-“Fine. Thanks!” I say as I wait until Cam gets out of his room which was 30 minutes later. I take him home. Everyone there helps him eating, drinking and what so ever. I just want this pain to end for him. Why did Finn do this?
♠ ♠ ♠
Note: Finn is a friend of Zach and apparently is mad at Cameron, but why?