Status: Stuck in it :(

Just Another Story

Chapter 6

Cameron's POV:

I got out of that hospital. But I wasn't there for 2 months, it was just 1. It seems my body wanted to get out from there as soon as possible!

I'm so mad at Finn right now. He almost killed me. He has to control his nerves. Like really. I could've died. Why did he do this? I was just staring at Keira, the new girl. Isn't that ok? I might like her, that's why he did this to me? It's the only girl I've fallen for, so far.

Guess what? Zachary David Porter gets her, as many as his other followers: Sophia and Tamara are only 2 of them.Why does he get so many girls? He's really popular and cool! Am I not cool or cute? I love reading books and listening to music, does that count for girls? Oh now I know why they are with him, he loves Bruce. Okay girls, I'll show you good music: Prince, Maroon 5 and Jason Mraz be prepared to be heard by everyone. I take out my phone while everyone's at the hall, even Keira's here. I take out the earphones. Everyone's just staring at me. In a matter of seconds, they start laughing. Some of the guys say I'm gay for listening to that music, or even that I'm a freak and nerd that only loves reading books and listening to girl's music. Is it necessary to laugh at someone's GOOD taste on music? I also like 50 cent so does that mean to you gay music? I think not.

I'm so embarrassed right now.Keira sees me and I attempt to run away. I reach a room. There's no one there. I should hide here. It's 2 pm... only 3 more hours.I start crying like I've never done before. I'm too sensitive. I hear a knock at the door. I open it, it's Keira.

-"Do you need someone?" she asks me

-"Yes please" I say as I keep on crying. She closes the door. We hug.

-"Don't listen to those idiots. I love Green Day for example, and I might seem like a boy to someone. Try not to feel ashamed of being yourself. But if this was to attract girls, don't do it again. This will hurt you and girls will laugh at you. Not me, but others. Please, stop crying" she says. I calm down. So she likes Green day?

-"Thanks. Will you be my friend? I know you're new. I'm not good at making friends. I only have Zach. If it wasn't for him, I'd be nowhere. I need someone to talk to when I'm down. Zach might help me at times but he's also with girls and other boys."

-"Look, I'll tell Zach to be with you often. He helped you the other day. He said he felt that he had to do it. He had to save your life. Finn was angry about nothing. And yes, I'll be your friend. Whenever you need me, talk to me." she says while leaving me her address and phone.

-"Keira, Thanks" I say

-"Thank you, for showing me how music doesn't have to be the same for anyone. If you feel ok with it, stay with it and don't change" she says and leaves.

She's amazing. Can I be with her now?
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Last one for today :) Thanks for reading